
Ray Bradbury Ethical Issues

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Ray Bradbury is an American author who was born in the year 1920, known mainly for his writings in the sci0fi, fantasy, and horror genres. His stories seem to speak up about issues that have been present in the world for a long period of history. In his writing, he speaks against the progression of technology, against the power of overly-strong governments, and outcasting people for being different. His writing style is very descriptive, often using similes and metaphors, as well as colors to add a greater sense of imagery for the reader. Usually ending his stories with a cliffhanger, letting the reader speculate on what has happened or will happen next, Ray Bradbury pulls readers into his stories. “All Summer In a Day” is a short story written by Ray Bradbury in 1954. The story takes place on the planet Venus, where it rains all day, every day and the sun only shines for two hours every seven years. There is a little girl named …show more content…

One dilemma Ray Bradbury raises in “The Pedestrian” is the dilemma of individual vs. community. In other stories in sci-fi, there is a theme of controlling governments, which can be applied to this story. The government uses television as a controlling mechanism, to lower crime to the point to where only one police car is needed in a city with a population of three million. Controlling people can be seen as for the greater good of the community in the government's eyes, but for Leonard, he does not like abiding by what is socially acceptable. Another ethical dilemma that is presented in this story is justice vs. mercy. Leonard was not doing anything wrong by walking the streets, doing nothing illegal, but he is viewed as a “threat” to the stability of society. The police car takes the route of justice, taking him in because he was different, rather than showing mercy and letting Leonard go since he was doing nothing illegal, not hurting

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