
Reaction Paper About Bullying

Decent Essays

Describe your reactions to the video as well as your thoughts about the topic of bullying based on appearance. Offer specific examples from your experience that are related to your thoughts and reactions to the Dateline video. Include in your post: a) What are the elements of culture that provide a forum for this to occur? Cultural Identity plays a very big role in perpetuating bullying. People with similar religious backgrounds, dress and hairstyle are cultures of identity. Social Inequality is also a factor that maintains bullying. "Bullying both builds on existing embodied, classed, raced, gendered and sexualized social inequalities and prepares young people to accept such inequalities as a “normal” part of living in the world."(Pascoe, 2016). Group mentality is also another factor that helps prolong bullying. "Herd or Group mentality describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors." (Finkelhor, 2013). When people get together in a group they tend to stick with the leader of the group even if it is a bad outcome. From reviewing the My Kid Would Never Do That videos, you can tell how easily influenced almost all of the children were to go along with the bullying of another person even if they had been bullied themselves in the past. Jayden had been bullied in the past but had not problem bullying Angel whom was labeled a talkative nerd who's opinion should not be valid. Bianca also did not stick up and went with mob mentality. Instead

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