Reaction Paper
The Short Bus
CON 712 Counseling Children and Adolescent
Adrianne Green
October 19, 2010
Before I began reading this book, I took a moment to think about the title: The Short Bus a Journey beyond Normal and what this book might entail. The term short bus brought back memories to me as a kid, people who were not smart enough to ride the long bus; or people who attended a special school because they were mentally retarded or mentally challenged. I felt connected to some of the personal stories in the text, especially the stories of Brent and Kent. Furthermore, it reminded me of my personal biases I still have toward kids like Ashley.
The short bus was created for people with various disabilities in 1975 when the
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Jonathan was labeled LD and he began to struggle with reading while in kindergarten. When it was his time at circle time, he could not tell time so he would just blurt out 10 o’clock and all the kids would laugh at him (Mooney 2007). I felt like Jonathan during grade school kids, middle school and high school; some of these students I called my friends. They blurted out curse word, they were excessive talkers who just could not stop talking and would spin around in chairs, unable to be still or control themselves. Some would move from one seat to another throughout the empty seat in the class. In high school it was more intense; the knocking on the desk, beat boxing and most of the time sent to the office because one could not behave in class. The teachers would always have to stop teaching to turn their attention to the kids who were misbehaving. I disliked coming to class some days because I hated those kids who always interrupted class; they will never be anything in life. It is hard to admit that I understood how Jonathan felt about his college friend Kent, he had an attention span of a gnat and he questioned whether Kent could live successful in the world of conventionality (Mooney 2007).
A memory comes to mind. One boy in my fifth grade class struggled to keep his hands to himself. I wondered to myself why this boy could not stop
As a mobile notary, I process a large amount of paperwork and daily print loan packets consisting of 75 to 150 pages per set. I need a machine that is quick and reliable. The HP 1320 tn comes to the rescue.
As children start school he learns more than reading, writing, and math. School is where they learn to give and take with children that they aren’t as familiar with. As Staff states “relating with peers according to the rules” (2011). Children learn that not everyone will have the same rules as their parents have. Especially if their mom is a stay at home mom they learn to do what another person in authority. Preschoolers play like they want they often make their own rules, as grow older they learn to play games that have rules that they need to follow (Staff 2011). And of course with growing older comes responsibility. As the child enters kindergarten and first grade it is expected that they will gain a certain amount of knowledge. Elementary school was hard for me. I struggled through it. I guess I would fit into Erikson’s theory of Industry versus Inferiority. I don’t remember how old I was when I was inferior but I do remember struggling with it. I think that personality can play in there sometimes. So far I’ve been pretty close to Erikson’s
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A relationship between two people could have positive and negative effects on a person's life. The relationship can be supportive and stressful, and throughout Jeannette’s life, this course took its toll. As a young girl, Jeannette Walls had a strong bond with her father, Rex Walls. He was the person that once made her feel the safest, yet had done the most significant amount of damage to her as time had passed. The Glass Castle was the great, big house her father promised to build for their family in the desert. Although he put all of his engineering and mathematical skills into the project, it was never built. The Glass Castle can symbolize empty promises or as hope for the future. Just like the Glass Castle, there were two perspectives to the relationship between Jeannette and her father. Each made Jeannette grow mentally furthermore helping her evolve as a person.
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No one is born a parent; no one really is a perfect parent. Dibs: In Search of Self is a perfect example of this as both parents had no idea how to raise a child in a loving, compassionate home. Dibs’ mother stated from the get go that the boy seemed to have it out for her and he was responsible for ruining her and her marriage. The father was completely wrapped up in his work and studies and made sure he’d made no time for his children. Additionally, his children had been instructed to stay out of his room while he was home. Once Dibs’ sister is born, he is again pushed further away as their mother spoils the little girl. Eventually, however even the sister is sent away to a boarding school.
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The Feiner Points of Leadership is one of the interesting and application oriented books I have read. I would recommend the book to my friends and colleagues who aspire to be a good leader. This book should be read by all the leaders and managers to be successful. It exemplifies some of the important skills manager or leader should practice at the same time it explains the mistakes one should avoid being a successful and effective leader. Michael Feiner’s experience in PepsiCo, given examples and instances in his tenure makes it easier to understand the facts in detail. These examples also helps retain all the points and laws explained in the book.
Sean Tuohy (Tim McGraw) was the head of the family, Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) was the mother of two children SJ and Collins. This family was known, rich and a happy one. They are all engaged in sports and support each other’s endeavors and loves football!
The next question that must be asked and answered is why do people act the way they do? There are many concepts that best describe this from the perspective of the police, but as stated earlier, the focus of this paper is mostly over the proneness of the “at-risk” individuals to joining gangs or engaging in gang activity. Upon saying that, one core concept that can best answer this question is neutralization. A core concept stemming from the near beginning of the semester, the core concept of neutralization can best be defined as the theory in which people explain deviant behavior with a justification as to why they committed the act. For example, if I hit someone and said that they called me a name, that is neutralization. Neutralization is
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the relationship between the sides and the angles of a triangle. The word trigonometry was derived from the Greek word trigonon which means triangle and metron for the word measure. While the other branch of mathematics, geometry which means earth and measurement, is concerned with the properties of space and figures.
Music is a language utilized by most of the people around the world. It's not only a way of communication, but it also takes the imagination to a different reality that gives us self satisfaction. The guitar, has its own realm of music and sound effects. This instrument is considered as Rock n Roll symbol, even though it's not used only for rock, but it's generally known that the style of the sound effects provided by the guitar, match with rock music mostly. Now the mission is to provide the suitable tone from such instrument. It's not hard to become a guitarist, it's all about practicing on flexibility, scales and techniques.
I was raised by my grandparents who had many rules and taught me that it would be disrespectful not to follow them, so it was hard for me to complete the three deviant acts to write this paper. I have spent my life following social norms to the best of my ability, even ones that seems absurd to me. The object of this assignment frightened the heck out of me and I truly wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to complete it. The unspoken rule that I chose to break was the infamous ‘standing in a line & waiting your turn’ rule, I chose to cut into the line without saying anything at all.