
Real Women Have Curves Analysis

Better Essays

Ana Garcia, the protagonist of the film Real Women Have Curves, is a perfect example of the contemporary Latina in the United States. She is an ideal illustration of the intersectionality between race, culture, gender, and class. When deciding what she would do for her future, Ana had to choose between her cultural values and mainstream expectations, between her Mexican heritage and her American mindset. After deciding to continue her education at Columbia University, Ana holds a feminist conference aiming to bring more attention to gender and race-based discrimination within the workplace and the unrealistic beauty standards set forth by society for women. These two issues are particularly prevalent in the United States and have widespread effects, therefore Ana would primarily focus on them. Both issues are applicable to Ana herself and could very easily have negative repercussions on her own life.
Discrimination in workplace is perpetuated in various ways and most commonly …show more content…

Her Mexican background and female gender both carry negative connotations that can affect her experiences within an occupation. In addition to herself, gender and race-based discrimination affects many people and so, by bringing attention to the issue, she and her fellow feminists could make an enormous impact on the affected population- women and people of color. At her conference, Ana, Bose, and Whaley would propose introducing affirmative-action legislation that would aid in desegregating occupations, which would in turn, help reduce discriminatory treatment of workers. Abandoning stereotypical lessons of masculine men and feminine women in regards with the academic fields/occupations people decide to go into also would also aid in reducing sex

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