
Realistic Fiction Story

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Saira Ehsan Realistic Fiction Story On a beautiful Saturday morning I was sitting on my newly painted porch, enjoying the bristling winds, hearing chirping birds to a beat, and well— just the great outdoors. Rocking back and forth on the family porch swing, I heard the soothing squeak of the old chair. The view of my bike locked, hanging onto the garage, and the smell of the freshly cut grass got me daydreaming about the exciting events of tonight. My friends Piper, Jasmine, Mae, and I were planning to bike around our town, Hillzboro, to find the highest point in which we can see the once in a lifetime Blue Moon. The main reason why it was so important to us four is because it’s the reason we became so close. Ever since childhood we’ve been …show more content…

So we just got past 206, and uh, oh look,” Mae said, pointing to a sign,”It’s Blue Road!” A few minutes later, we packed up and head down Blue Road, continuing on straight, and were there… rain drops? It suddenly went dark. Clouds began piling up like New Jersey had never seen before. We couldn’t see where we were going, all of the streetlights were out. Though we got to MoonView Street, and just headed up, we weren’t sure where exactly we were going by then. Our phones had lost reception, and we were… Lost? “Guys where are we going… ?” stuttered Piper. All of us were quiet until, Mae told us, “I don’t know where we are.” “Me neither,” I said with a sad expression. Everyone groaned. Jasmine suggested, “Well should we try and find our way back?” “We could, however, what if we get even more lost?” I replied. “Well, isn’t it safer if we ask someone?” replied Mae. “HAVEN’T YOU SEEN THE TV SHOWS?” Jasmine exclaimed. Everyone, once again, groaned. Mae suggested just to keep on going uphill, although we were soon going to be soaked. There weren’t many houses as we went on uphill, but, we weren’t going to risk getting kidnapped on a dark and slippery night. Also, we had to ride very carefully because the roads were so vague. As we continued riding, I saw something in my peripheral vision… was that a warehouse? I think it’s abandoned. This was a bad idea, but, the rain was getting harder, and there was thunder, which means soon to be

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