Edgar Allen Poe was recognized for the very dark stories and characters he had created before his life fell short. Many people can infer that it was a very mysterious death. One strong reason is alcohol poisoning. Once Poe went missing for one week and may have been poisoned with alcohol. Poe was kidnapped around election day, back then around election day people were kidnapped and then gotten drunk multiple times so they could go and vote several times dressed up differently. But, some people may say he could’ve gotten himself drunk. When Poe was found, many people saw Poe with different clothing. Another reason may be the last letter that he sent to Maria Clemm, this letter showed that he may have been kidnapped. In this letter,
“Others believe that Poe fell victim to a practice known as cooping “… an unsuspecting victim would be kidnapped, disguised and forced to vote for a specific candidate multiple times under multiple disguised identities”(The (Still) Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe). This would explain why Poe was found in other people’s
There are many theories of how Edgar Allan Poe died. One of the theories is alcohol. Poe was a heavy drinker as a young man so it is possible. Another theory is rabies. This is also a possible theory because of the symptoms he had in the hospital.
On Oct. 7, 1849, Edgar Allan Poe died mysteriously. While there are many theories about why or how he died, I believe that it is a unknown illness or cholera. First, a document by Poe it suggest that Edgar Allan Poe had contracted cholera weeks before arriving in Richmond and had a manic episode. Next, According to Susan Archer Talley, Poe was pale and trembling. His condition was serious enough that two doctors though he was in “imminent danger” and that another “attack would kill him. Then, in addition, John Moran claims that Poe had arrived at the hospital unconscious and remains in that condition from 5:00 pm until 3:00 am. When he wakes up he trembles and sweats profusely until the following day. Although no one will ever know for certain
He consistently wrote poems about extreme intoxication and depression. It is very common for someone to be so down that they purposely drink themselves to death. “The Black Cat” by EAP is a short story by Poe that was made four years before he passed away. The years close to Poe’s death he started to get back to his alcoholism and depression stage in his life. Poe’s real life actions showed up quite a bit in his works including this one. In this short story Poe describes a man and wife who own a cat by the name of Pluto. This character Poe made I believe is him so the actions that happened next shows his insane alcoholism at it’s worst. One night this man comes home from his night on the town extremely intoxicated. As he walked in he reached for the cat and Pluto bit a slight wound on his hand. “The fury of a demon instantly possessed me. I knew myself no longer”, showing he had no control over his actions. We can’t automatically turn to euphemisms when dealing with death. Poe was an amazing poet, yet the best of us still fall into a state that we can’t bring ourselves out of.The hardship he went through was a great inspiration for how Poe wrote great literature. In “To My Mother”,”Annabel Lee”, and “The Black Cat” we got a look into Poe’s life and into his mind. If we are not going to listen to multiple theories, lets atleast listen to the source of this
According to the CDC, over 88,000 people die every year due to the excessive use of alcohol in the United States. Now this proves that alcoholism is a very serious and common issue in our country. Poe’s death to this day has been thought of as a great mystery, most believing he died from either alcohol or rabies. According to several sources saying that Poe was sent to the hospital after being to drunk, not being able to tell doctors the names of his family members/where he lived, and the fact that his cat, Caterina, was proven to not have rabies, I believe he died from alcohol.
“Mr. Poe could not possibly send forth a book without some marks of his genius, and mixed up with the dross we find much sterling ore.” — (From a review of Poe’s Tales, September 6, 1845.) In 1845, Poe, 27, and Virginia, 13, married, and were happy for a time. In 1842, Virginia ruptured a blood vessel; the first sign of the ill health that plagued her short life. Poe turned to alcohol to cope with her illness and the stress of his dying wife. Two years later, Virginia died of tuberculosis, and Poe’s own death would follow shortly two years after that.
Edgar Allen Poe was a great writer that lived a hard life and died an unfortunate death. On October 7, 1849 Edgar Allen Poe died. There are many theories of how Poe died such as alcoholism and rabies. Poe died of rabies not alcoholism.
1). Poe went so far that he got into a point that he drank absinthe and brandy which is a really dangerous mixture (Poe, Drugs and Alcohol 27). Between the many possible causes of Edgar Allan Poe’s death, his problem with alcohol is really considerable as one important reason of his early death (Scharf, Douglas 1).
Edgar Allen Poe lived a life of misery that no other would ever wish to live. Poe lost numerous close family members to tuberculosis or other illness. He was exceptionally poor and considered to be a failure by most of his peers during his lifetime. Edgar Poe was a dejected man who was never acknowledged for his work until years after his death, which was believed to have been caused by alcoholism or encephalitic rabies. I believe that Poe died of rabies because the symptoms he showed before his death and the opinions of many medical professionals of the time support the theory that Poe died of encephalitic rabies.
The death of Edgar Allen Poe is quite the mystery. No one knows what really happened to the failed poet that cold night, while he lay on the street. Many theories suggest that Poe was murdered by one of his many enemies or that he has brain cancer and died on the street. One theory I support is that Poe died from alcohol poisoning, there is quite a bit of evidence that supports Edgar Allen Poe passed from alcohol poisoning such as he became addicted to alcohol after his wife passed, he was found near a pub, and he had brain symptoms that pointed to alcoholism.
Edgar Allen Poe, known for his crazy writings, but what people question the most beside his stories is how did he die? There have been many theories circling around for how he has died. Two theories aare that he had rabbies or abused alcohol. Many people believe in different things and argue from very different points. However, Poe died of alcohol because, he has had a past with it in his younger years. Even though he gets sick from just one glass, he could of wanted to kill himself or had a withdraw and craved it.
Dying is said to be peaceful, a way to infinite happiness. This serene state, however, is only felt by the person dying. For most others, family members, close friends, coworkers, etc., death is a dark mystery. This mystery of death was intensified when the famous author, Edgar Allan Poe, died in 1849. For hundreds of years, Poe enthusiasts and hungry detectives have searched for a reason that can explain why Poe died after being found barely conscious outside a tavern in Baltimore.
Edgar Allan Poe is notorious for his poem’s about youth, beauty, women, and death. The cause of his death, much like his poems, is a mystery. Many people have created theories in attempt to unravel true cause of Edgar Allan Poe’s death. One of these many theories include alcoholism; many believe Poe had drunken himself to death. Others believe he died from exposure since Poe was found in an unreasonable outfit after a rainstorm had struck the previous day. More believed causes of his death consist of stories on how he contracted rabies, had a brain tumour, and that he was a victim of cooping. The true cause of Edgar Allan Poe’s death is cooping.
Picture this. The father of modern crime and detective stories, known as Edgar Allan Poe, is sitting down about to write a beautiful piece of writing and BAM! He whisks away into a story of love, death, and just plain out horror; either characters are losing someone near and dear to their hearts or they are plotting to kill. Edgar Allan Poe, at a very young age, lost both of his parents, and later on in life, lost his wife to tuberculosis, so in one way or another, these stories reflect off of his personal experiences. A major theme in Poe’s writings is death. The theme of death is seen throughout the works of Annabel Lee, the Cask of Amontillado, the Raven, and the Black Cat.
is known for his tales of the mysterious and macabre. He is reported to be the