
Recipes For Life : Outline

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Recipes for Life
Lesson 3: Remove the Blocks

Each one of us have a purpose in life that we were born to fulfill. If you think about the iconic figures we know like Tyler Perry, Oprah Winfrey, Barbara Walters and Moses. When Moses realized this, he prayed “teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom (Psalms 90:12).” As Moses died, it was Joshua who succeeded his leadership. Yahweh would then instruct Joshua on what to do if he wanted to be successful in fulfilling his purpose in life. The instructions are simple enough.

Yahweh told him to mediate on His word without fail and he would find specific answers “according to all that is written.” If you do this, you shall prosper and have unmeasurable success (Joshua 1:8). Meditating helps us to know the difference between right and wrong according to the teachings of Yahweh. However, there is one stipulation. Once you know better, you must do better. With knowing, comes the responsibility of acting or behaving in a manner that pleases Yahweh.

The greatest commandment is to love. In order to achieve love, respect, prosperity or anything, we must put our spiritual relationships first and others, second. However, we may suffer with certain elements that block our blessings and these meditation prayers will deal with some of those issues. After you learn to meditate, you will understand why there hasn 't been any progress in your life. To remove the blocks that stifle our chances for love,

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