
Recommendation Letter : Brooks Brothers

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Adham Al Abdullah GEB 6217 Prof Migdal Mach 05, 2017 RECOMMENDATION ASSIGNMENT Brooks Brothers is one of the oldest men’s clothing retailers in the United States, opening their first store in 1818. As the oldest clothing store, Brooks Brothers is proud to uphold the same traditions and values for nearly two centuries (Brooks Brothers Website, 2017). Privately owned business has been dressing many Americans with unique style and quality. Brooks Brothers is the oldest men 's clothier in the United States and is main location on Madison Avenue in Manhattan, New York (Brooks Brothers Website, 2017). Brooks Brothers and the believe of social purpose is the imprint of a successful company. The historic retailer’s mission is …show more content…

Multiple supporting reasons will be presented, followed by a rebuttal of potential concern with the recommendation. In conclusion, the board is asked to vote today to improve customer service level, increase sales and rebuild customer trust at Brooks Brother’s store. Recommendation: Hire younger stylish employees As previously mentioned, this report recommends hiring younger generation employees who can operate efficiently on new systems, design effective POS training for existing employees, and implement an appraisal system. Younger Employees Improve Flow of Business The board is asked to approve hiring stylish, younger employees who can take business to the next level and evolve with operating new technology used by Brooks Brother’s stores. Hiring younger employees will improve customer service level and reduce sales loss with faster service and improve customer satisfaction (Hiring Younger Employees, 2017). In addition, younger employees will save the store money because they cost less to employ (Joanna Lahey, Ph.D, 2017). In three years, eighty percent of the workers will be made up of the younger generation (Jeanne Sahadi, 2015). Brooks Brothers has an obligation to keep up with the business culture changes, create new modern working environments between two generations to balance the service, and increase the quality of customer service and sales. Having employees with different backgrounds to serve different types of

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