
Recreational Fishing Regulations Should Not Be Banned

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Recreational Bottom Fishing Regulations Recreational fishing is the act of fishing for fun, to pass the time or for sport. There is no prize in this type of fishing except for relaxation and whatever one catches. The fish caught can be eaten or released, but they may not be sold. Bag limits set on the species of fish regulations on the number of this fish one fisherman is allowed to keep without releasing. Regulations cover everything from amounts and size of the fish caught, to location and even the tackle the fish can be caught on. Bottom fishing is when a person goes fishing for a specific type of fish that is mainly found around or near the bottom of the water column in the body of water in which they live. These regulations are currently changed by the government and politicians and should not be. Politicians are making the laws, but not doing their own studies. “State and federal governments share authority over the regulation and management of fish and fishing in the United States,” (Fish and Fishing). While they get information from researchers, scientists such as marine biologists should be the people changing and setting limits on fishing because they are the folks actually doing the research. They know how the different changes in numbers of a particular species will affect the populations of the species they are setting limits on as well as other fish who eat or get eaten by the fish of interest. “State laws met with very limited success,” (Fish and

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