
Recycling Of Cigarette Butts

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One cigarette butt soaked in a litre of water for 96 hours leaches out enough toxins to kill half of the fresh or saltwater fish exposed to them. Children and animals consume these pieces of toxic trash. There are costs to the communities dealing with them and there is a biological plausibility to the idea that so many cigarette butts tossed into the environment each year may leach out chemicals that could impact human health.
Furthermore, the tobacco industry has distances itself from any sense of responsibility. Many other industries have signed up to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), a principle which places responsibility for the environmental management of consumer waste to manufacturers of the original product.
It has been applied to electrical appliances, batteries, paint, mattresses, car tires, electronic gadgets, beverage containers, etc. And it has greatly reduced the environmental hazards and health risks associated with 2 C IVI L E N G I N E E R I N G
ADAMSON UNIVERSITY these products. But it has been religiously avoided by the makers of the most deadly of all consumer products- cigarettes. (Novotny, 2014)
In short, cigarette butts are not biodegradable. They are wastes that contribute to a huge environmental issue. This paper would show the significance of the recycling of these butts by using them to make a stronger, reinforced concrete.
Whatever their direct health impact on or benefit to smokers, cigarette filters pose a serious litter and toxic

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