
Red Blood Cell and E.g. Sickle-cell Anemia Essay

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Anemia is not considerate to be a specific disease; it is a manifestation of many abnormal conditions. Some of the abnormal conditions that causes

anemia include dietary deficiencies of iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid; hereditary disorders; bone marrow damaged by toxins, radiation, or chemotherapy; renal disease; malignancy; chronic infection; overactive spleen; or bleeding from a tract or organ. The incidence of anemia in the world is very high. More than 50% of the world suffers from anemia. Anemia is characterized by a deficiency in red blood cells or in the concentration of hemoglobin (iron-containing portions of red blood cells). These deficiencies are caused by either decreased production or increased …show more content…

Vegetarians and people who do not consume red-meat are more apt to be iron deficient.
Meat sources of iron, also called heme-iron, such pork, beef and lamb are among the richest sources of iron. Heme-sources of iron are best absorbed and utilized by the body.
Non-heme sources such as the iron in beans, grains and vegetables is not nearly as well absorbed by the body. Absorption: The capacity of the body to absorb iron from the diet is a crucial factor for developing iron stores and maintaining functional iron. When the body has trouble absorbing iron from foods or when iron is lost through cellular break down, iron deficiency anemia is likely to occur. When the above mechanisms are overwhelmed by the increasing magnitude of the anemia, or when the demands of physical activity or intercurrent illness overwhelm them, a clinical disease state becomes apparent to the physician and to the patient. The severity of clinical symptoms bears less relationship to the severity of the anemia than to the length of time over which the condition develops. An acute hemorrhagic condition may produce symptoms with loss of as little as 20% of the total blood volume (or 20% of the total red cell mass). Conversely, anemias developing over periods long enough to allow compensatory mechanisms to operate will allow much greater loss of rbc mass before producing symptoms. It is not terribly uncommon to see a patient with a hemoglobin of 4

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