Red blood cells main function is to transport oxygen. They do not have a nucleus; therefore it allows more storage for hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin binds and transports oxygen and carbon dioxide. The most important thing that blood doping does is increasing the amount of red blood cells in your body. “Blood doping is an illicit method of improving athletic performance by artificially boosting the blood’s ability to bring more oxygen to muscles,” (Blood doping: Types, Risks, and Tests). It improves their performance and stamina, which is completely unfair. By increasing the amount of red blood cells, you are also increasing the amount of hemoglobin. “Hemoglobin is an oxygen carrying protein in the blood. So increasing hemoglobin
I first learned about this topic on a television show I watch called Hawaii 5-O. The episode had a group of athletes that were blood doping in order to win bicycling races and to get a leg up on escaping the police after robbing their targets. It briefly explained what the group was doing, and why it made them have better stamina and bettered their athletic abilities. Then when Lance Armstrong was accused of many different types of performance enhancing drugs, he admitted to using blood doping among other techniques. He used the method of blood doping that utilizes EPO, which is a hormone that is produced in the kidney for RBC production. He was stripped of all the Tour de France titles in his possession and the bronze medal he won in the Olympics.
Our nation has a major blood shortage which results in a national health crisis. States all over the nation are reporting the need for blood donors and the importance of having donors to help those who are directly affected. There has been a recent rise in shortage due to the increased demand of high complex surgeries which require a large supply of blood. McMillan reports, “just one liver transplant can take 120 units of donated blood” (Zabarenko, 2016). It is imperative to bring attention to this social problem, and begin to search for possible solutions, as well as identifying gaps in the policy before seeking policy revision. Experts indicate that “the only solution is for this problem is to persuade people to become donors” (Nagourney, 2009).
Blood doping creates unneeded risk and endangers an athlete’s life for a slightly increased chance of winning a competition. This practice should remain banned and athletes should seek alternative practices that do not come with unusual added health risks. Though there are logical arguments for each side, there is more evidence to support the argument that blood doping should not be legal in athletic competitions. There is too much risk involved for the reward to be so miniscule.
Blood volume is the volume of blood (both red blood cells and plasma) in the circulatory system of any individual. A typical adult has a blood volume of approximately 5 litres. The amount of blood circulating in your body increases within twenty four hours after your first exercise session. An increase in blood volume means your body can deliver more oxygen to your working muscles. Your body will also be able to better regulate your body temperature during
This course provided me with invaluable insight into the way change works within a large hospital setting. While I love research, in my experience and true for this course, with any hands-on project you learn so much more than just investigating facts or submitting assignments. Honestly, at first I was intimidated about approaching the “higher-ups” in my organization; however, over-time approaching leaders and staff peers about the importance of my project became easier. My interest in the topic of blood culture (BC) contamination grew through the vast research completed for the assignments. Passion for the topic followed suite, as my knowledge increased for the subject at hand. I found the leaders of my healthcare organization to be extremely
In a world full of millions of crimes, it is always a difficult and challenging task attempting to properly identify every single individual who can be related to a specific criminal case, quickly and efficiently. When a crime is reported, a criminalist’s job is to work as hard as they can with a team of other criminalists to gather all of the important information related to that specific case, and as all of the research occurs, questions such as “Were there any witnesses?” or “Is there any blood evidence?” will be asked during the process of finding every little piece of evidence to put the puzzle together and come to a conclusion on the case. Several other questions may be asked such as, “Who is innocent?” or “Who is guilty?” after
Focus on the game, not the cocaine. Have student athletes drug test so they are more focused on the game, and not the cocaine. Student athletes are a big part of a school, high school or college they are really involved with the school. Although they are involved with the school, majority of the students do some type of drug without rarely being caught. So, that means schools need to start doing drug testing on student athletes. Student athletes should always be required to take a drug test because it can affect their education, sports, and behavior.
In today’s society, athletes are revered as heroes. There is immense pressure to be the best. Athletes are willing to do whatever it takes to gain an edge, even if it means compromising their health. For almost three decades, athletes have been supplementing their strength program with anabolic steroids to enhance their performance. To be sure, anabolic steroids are effective supplements to strength training programs, but there is no doubt that the consequences can be deleterious.
Drugs to athletes give them an advantage to those who are clean. Athletes work their hardest to train their body. They train their body, so they can have the best of their ability when they are on the field. Their training period is long, to improve on their techniques, skills and power. They are also on a strict diet, to be on their best on the field. Most of these athletes have different methods of warming up, training and what they eat. However, other athletes all they need is a dose of performance enhancing drugs a day. The drugs that are taken as a bodybuilder which will help them in an unnatural way. No matter how strong clean athletes are it will be hard to beat an athlete with use of drugs. Even if the athlete is the most talented,
EPO, or blood doping as it is commonly referred to, is dangerous to heart health and can cause other life threatening issues as well. The WADA has listed a few of the dangers of EPO such as, heart disease, stroke, and cerebral or pulmonary embolism. To me the risks far outweigh the benefits from doing this. Not to mention it is been banned by the WADA as a performance enhancing technique. EPO was not created with the intention of helping athletes get an edge over others, but to help people with anemia, because it increases the amount of red blood cells in a persons body. This in turn can make the persons blood very thick and can lead to the above listed issues.
What do you think about athletes and drug tests? Well I believe that every athlete should be required to take a drug test, first off I'm going to tell you what exactly is drug testing and what the point of it is. Why people use them and some cons of them and the health risks drugs cause. Also what happens if you get caught using drugs in sports
Anemia is a disorder of the blood. It occurs when your body does not produce enough erythrocytes or red blood cells (RBCs). Without the erythrocytes oxygen can not be adequately delivered to the tissues and organs throughout the body. This will cause you to become weak and tired. A person may also experience headaches, skin pallor, and faintness. Your body may attempt to compensate for these symptoms by speeding up the heart rate and respiratory rate. This is the body’s attempt to return oxygen levels to normal(Thibodeau and Patton, 2005).
Hello my name is Fred I'm a erythrocyte also known as a red blood cell. I contain hemoglobin which allows me to carry oxygen. I have a very important job I'm a oxyhemoglobin delivery man. I was created in the bone marrow along with my friends the white blood cells. I am very special I don't contain a nucleus which means I cant go through mitosis.Lets go check out my
An experiment was conducted in Mrs. Lynn's ninth period class on Wednesday, September 28, 2016. The purpose of the experiment was to determine why red blood cells appear smaller when sugar is added to the cell's surroundings. The independent variable in this experiment was the water outside the dialysis tubing (used to represent a cell) while the dependent variable in this experiment was the weight of the dialysis tubing after twenty minutes. Two beakers were filled, one with water and one with a lactose solution. Dialysis tubing that contained water was placed inside both of the beakers, then a timer was started. When the timer read twenty minutes, each cell was extracted and weighed. Each cell was then compared to its weight in grams before
Blood chemistry or blood test is identifying the different levels of chemical ingredients found in the blood. The analysis of these substances provides clues to a patient’s condition and the functioning of the major body systems such as, blood sugar levels, liver functions, essential nutrients etc. This helps doctors in diagnosing the patient’s conditions much easier and quicker.