
Red Data Girl: Spiritual Themes Of Japanese Shinto Religion

Decent Essays

Anime explores spiritual themes of Japanese Shinto religion
Red Data Girl: Anime woven with the religious myths of Japanese Shinto

Red Data Girl is a Japanese animated series that tells the story of Izumiko Suzuhara, a young girl who has been raised at the Tamakura Shinto shrine. Growing up in near-seclusion, Izumiko is a shy and timid girl. She is a miko, or Shinto shrine maiden, and the Tamakura shrine is based on the real-life Tamaki mountain shrine. Alienating her from the others even further is that whenever she comes into contact with electronic devices such as phones or computers, the equipment malfunctions or is destroyed, making her unable to use these forms of communication. However, this problem is merely a side-effect of her apparent latent spiritual powers which are revealed later in the story. …show more content…

Spiritual themes are heavily woven into the story, highlighting various Shinto beliefs and practices. It is revealed that Izumiko is a yorishiro, or someone who possesses the power to channel a himegami, a female goddess. In Japanese mythology, these gods and goddesses are called kami, but lesser spirits and other phenomena found throughout nature also share this title. A himegami is a particularly powerful kami, and Izumiko's ability to serve as a vessel for the goddess leads the other characters to call her the titular “Red Data Girl,” roughly the human equivalent of a rare World Heritage

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