
Red Headed Hawaiian Essay

Decent Essays

The book that can change my life is The Red Headed Hawaiian. It can change my life because in the book there was a boy named Rudy, and when he was in school he got teased because he was white and he had red hair. When he was in school he didn’t care about his grades and didn’t care about his life after school. Then when his plan to be a diesel mechanic right after high school failed because the price of diesel skyrocketed, so the diesel mechanics couldn’t make money like he thought he would of. So he needed to go to college to get a job. Then when his mom applied for him to go to college they wouldn’t take him because his grades were so bad in high school. Then they said they would take him if he did this program over the summer and that would let him get into University of Hawaii at Manoa. So his mom signed him up for that and Rudy went off and did the program. He went to college and he also was messing around and didn’t care about his grades in college. All he wanted to do was hang out with his Hawaiian friends and party. Then one day Ruby and his friend Chris were watching this tv show called General Hospital and then Rudy told Chris “I think i’m going to be a doctor,” then Chris said “Braddah you ain’t no doctor.” When Chris said that it mad Rudy more determined to become a doctor. After that day Rudy changed his whole style of how he was in college, he started hanging out with different people, he finally studied, and he was not messing around anymore. Then Rudy took the MCAT test and got a good score and …show more content…

It also shows me that if i have my head straight I can do well in college and i need to work harder and study a lot so I can get a good job and I can do whatever I can and want to because no one can tell me no

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