
Red Lobster Case Study : Company History

Decent Essays

Red Lobster Case Study Company History Red Lobster is a casual dining seafood restaurant established in 1968 by Bill Darden and Charley Woodsby. The flagship restaurant opened in Lakeland, Florida and expanded in two years to four more locations in Florida. Darden’s goal was to supply customers without easy access to the coast with fresh seafood. In 1970, Darden sold Red Lobster to General Mills and continued as President until 1975. Red Lobster’s rapid expansion across the United States gave Red Lobster the notoriety as the first casual dining restaurant to reach a national market. The restaurant also became the first with national television advertisement. The popularity of a seafood restaurant in inland areas gave General Mills the …show more content…

With 23% of the customer base surveyed, the experientials took up the second largest group of customers. The other segments consisted of the predictable indulgents, traditionalists, and frugals. The cluster analysis gives Red Lobster the chance to focus their attention on attracting more of the experientials. Target Markets Red Lobster’s target market are upper and middle class families that enjoy the casual dining experience. These families are located in inland areas without easy access to fresh seafood. The target market also consists of individuals that enjoy the casual dining experience with different options of seafood. The target market enjoys fresh seafood at a price that will not hit their pockets too hard. These customers benefit from Red Lobster since many seafood restaurants in the inland areas offer fried seafood that is not always as fresh as Red Lobster’s. The customers will also benefit from Red Lobster by having the option of a fine dining experience without it being too expensive. SWOT Analysis Strengths Red Lobster is an established brand in the United States. The restaurant has the reputation of fresh seafood at reasonable prices. Another strength lies in the established campaigns Red Lobster has run for years such as the “Lobsterfest” campaign. Red Lobster has loyal customers that come back to the restaurant for their seafood specials and dining experience. The casual dining seafood industry is not as oversaturated as other restaurant

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