
Reflection About English

Decent Essays

Firstly, your class has taught me many things about English. For example, you taught us the correct way to annotate a text and how to be more clear while trying to say/ write something. Also, you have educated me how to write an article reflection. Additionally, I have learned many different facts about Shakespeare when we did the research on him. In fact, I have also been taught many new words that I would have never heard from the WODs. Also, you taught me not to use be-verbs to make sentences more interesting. Furthermore, you told me the difference of paraphrasing and explaining something. Making connections to the text or article is another lesson you have instilled me this year. I also know how to cite text and provide a concise summary of a text. Next, I figure one of the the most helpful assignments you taught me are how to annotate an article because it helps me better understand what the author is talking about. Also, we can add little comments or questions to get a deeper connection to the text. It would probably be extremely helpful to me in high school when I have to read a difficult article. Another helpful assignment you gave me was the Shakespearience. Some of my friends said they aren’t reading Shakespeare, so I know you are probably one of the few teachers who make us read Shakespeare. Without a doubt, it’s important because I will have to read it in high school, if not then college. In fact, I get to read works from one of the most famous authors in

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