
Reflection Of Early Childhood Education

Satisfactory Essays

According to Part A, I also found myself in the student's learning portfolio with some professional qualities. First of all, is a positive, enthusiastic about the work of early childhood education. I participated in different types of activities related to early childhood education according to my own interests and needs, such as volunteer works in ive and early childhood institutions, workshops to promote early childhood education (moral education workshop), international symposium of well-known scholars (early childhood science - basic concepts and environmental protection, resources) and professional lectures related to the industry's current trends (to support non-Chinese children's needs), to enhance own different aspects of knowledge, …show more content…

As a future kindergarten teacher, in addition to enhance inner quality and care about the early childhood education sector, pay attention to the news and the news of the primary school community is also very important, to broadly the vision, become a more professional kindergarten teacher.

At the same time, also in each event after the lead, with paper to write the own place to do well and bad place for review. Although each activity will be written the reflection, related one or two days after the formal serious to write, some details may have been forgotten. So, as far as possible after the end of the activity, immediately note the focus of the perceived, if it is inadequate, it can also find the opportunity to ask the teacher or classmates, exchange ideas, improve the situation to do better.

According to the core values of early childhood education, as a student should have a professional attitude. Professional attitude is to have different knowledge and ability related to early childhood education. It is because activities is designed to children's interest and funny, also to take into account the child's age and physical development needs in order to design the appropriate

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