
Reflection Of Education And Success

Decent Essays

Education is a vital part of a student's success. With a proper education, a student learns things that will benefit for their lives ahead. There are many milestones to look forward to when it comes to receiving an education, such as receiving academic awards, obtaining free money in scholars, walking across a stage to get your high school diploma, and of course, the final milestone, a college degree. What happens after college; after I've reached the pinnacle of an education? The answer is life. Maintaining a house, car, bills, shopping, and possibly children would all play a factor after school is complete. One more aspect of life is finding a job. With college and a job, I need a variety of tools to further success. To kick things off, the most important tools that I believe that will be of the utmost importance towards my career goals are critical thinking, written and oral communication, and teamwork skills in diverse groups. Critical thinking applies to thinking outside the box, coming up with solutions that are out of the ordinary but will get the job done. Critical thinking will assist me throughout my college career and in the workplace because many different assignments throughout college require critical thinking skills. In the workplace, critical thinking would be helpful when I would be called upon to solve problems with a complex solution or containing a multitude of steps. Written and oral communication are an absolute must when they pertain together in college and the work environment. In college, I will have to write essays which go hand in hand with written communication. Oral communication would be me speaking in front of a class or my work colleagues to give a presentation. Teamwork skills are also primary tools for furthering success. I need to be able not just to do assignments alone, but with classmates in a group. Working together is a testament to how well a student can perform with others. When having a job, there will be co-workers. Having teamwork skills is inevitable, considering working with colleagues will be something that is required to be done to ensure an efficient workspace for everyone. Equally important, the college courses that I have to take, benefit me and my future

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