
Reflection Of Education As A Vocab Levels In Elementary School

Decent Essays

I’m really excited to be in your class this year. We read romeo and juliet last year but only scratched the surface in terms of new vocabulary and challenging literature. This year I am optimistic that we will tackle harder books together and challenge our vocab levels. I’m not too sure that I’m all that exciting, but I’ll try. My full name is Jackson Heath Meriwether and I was born in Columbia, South Carolina just like my parents and theirs before me. The education I’ve received started in Pre-k at a little private school called Harmony. From there I had elementary school at Brennen from kindergarten through 5th grade. I tried a charter school for the sciences for the first half of 6th grade and after that I ended up here at heathwood.
My extracurricular activities and hobbies range from soccer, cross country, swimming, and mountain biking to gaming and watching movies. I play soccer and run cross country for heathwood and play for a challenge travel soccer team in the fall. Lately I’ve also been trying to get back into guitar. Of these hobbies the one most important to me would probably be soccer since it combines a team sport with the need for an individual to excel at the same time. What I want from my education is really the ability to talk, hold a conversation, and be around every type of person from an english scholar to a mathematician. I not to picky when it comes to teaching styles and teachers, however I prefer to be challenged in class while engaging with a

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