
Reflection Of Education

Decent Essays

Education is one of the main consents in our lives. According to Google, the definitions of education is that: “the process of receiving or giving systematic instructions, especially at a school or university”,”the theory and practice of teaching”,” the body of knowledge acquired while being education” and etc. Education starts when we are in preschool and stays with us until we graduate college. My opinion of education is different of google’s definition as in it is not giving and receiving instructions but is giving and receiving information that will help you in the future, and that will allow you to move forward in life. Education doesn’t have to be exciting every single school day but it does have to hook the students and make them …show more content…

Ms. Head would expected and put the bar so high that most of us struggled to reach it but the payoff was unimaginable. Ms. Head did a couple of weeks with The Great Gatsby, and made us read and watch a movie about it. She would have a painting of one of the main theme of the book in her classroom, it was a billboard with blue eyes in glasses that would stare into your soul. This one action made me feel like I was in the book looking upon the billboard and finding the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg looking down upon me. These teacher both used a visual or a hearing aspect of the book we were reading to connect us more with the books while also allowing us not to be bored reading the book. Next, one of the teachers that actually keep me hooked in her class while also allowing us to have fun while learning. In her class, Ms. Galvin usually starts a discussion about the article that we wrote about in the as homework. The discussions usually allowed us to state what we thought about the article and how their are multiply perspective to a situation. Ms. Galvin allows us to think for ourselves in which I will treasure it forever because it nudges us to be free thinkers and allows us not to be hold down by the expectations of schools. The students would use the discussion to connect the article to their lives and how it affects them in a way. Along with connecting to the student’s lives, she would use pictures of hot topics that

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