
Reflection On Diversity

Better Essays

Introduction: Started off with a quick game of hangman of the word “diversity”. Provide synonyms and pictures of the word to help students narrow down their guessing. Also provide a definition of the word “diversity” to help the student. Once the student figure out the word, talk about diversity. Ask the student if they know what “diversity” means. What does the student think of when they hear the word “diversity?” Write down the student’s response on the board. Ask the student about their historical knowledge about the Civil Rights movement while show a small slide show from Tell the student that we will be reading a book about diversity. Show the book to the student, and as the whole class starts making observations about the book. Ask the student what they see on the cover, and ask the student to make predictions on what the book will be about. Mention the author, the illustrator, and title of the book. Analyze the picture, and read the summary at the back of the book. Once read the summary of the book, began reading the book aloud to the class. Questions during reading: - Pg. 12: “Why do you think Ruby’s family pray so much before Ruby went to school? Based on what we read about so far and our knowledge about history.” - Pg. 18: “Why do you think Ruby doesn’t say anything back to the crowd of angry mob when they were being mean to her?” “How do you think Ruby really feels even though Mrs. Henry say Ruby seemed normal and relaxed?” - Pg. 29: “Did you

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