Throughout high school I was involved in many different clubs. When senior year came around I was elected to represent Millard High School as their senior class president. The student body president and I got together and decided that we needed to end our high school career with a bang, so we came up with the idea to light up the hillside “M” in order for Millard to show their spirit throughout the valley not only during the day but also at night! We decided that the students could light it up every homecoming and keep it lit through the school year. I like to think of this as my own little piece of history making. This was our goal and we were willing to work as hard as we could to make it happen. This project was in no way easy; the lights
Girl!! We try our best. I have an awesome team; I could not do it without them. – Thank you Rachael!! I am flattered by your comment. You are the PTO President for Lone Star Elementary for this year, and member of PTO for Montgomery Middle School. Your work for the community is amazing!! This is another great way to get to meet ladies from the neighborhood.
In January, 2016, I participated in the James Madison Legacy Project. Little did I know it would alter the way that I would then teach my 8th grade curriculum. It was something that I was not sure I could do, it was something I was not sure I wanted to do, but it was something that I felt I must do and for that I am extremely grateful. I am grateful to have participated in the James Madison Legacy Project not only for what it has done for me in the classroom, but for my students who just completed their First Congressional hearings.
Some of my favorite memories made in high school thus far are due to my involvement in the Best Buddies program. Best Buddies is offered across the United States and is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending the exclusion of people with special needs. I joined the program my freshman year and was selected my junior year of high school to be in the Best Buddies class where I get to develop a closer relationship with all of the buddies. In total there are about twenty-five special needs kids that attend my school. I am proud to attend a school that welcomes these kids and always makes sure to include them in major school events and extracurricular activities. Recently, Tyler, one of the buddies, scored a touchdown while playing with our varsity football team. This was a proud moment for the Best Buddies class because we wanted him to have this amazing experience.
There are various reasons why leaders fail. It always depends upon the situation how the leader is acting and what is the need of the situation. In the context of the film various reasons why leaders fail are as follows:
My high school years have been filled with many great memories; it is safe to say that I had an enjoyable high school experience. Some of my most unforgettable moments of my high school career have been in Beta Club. In 9th grade, I joined the Beta Club at my school. I joined because I knew that this club was an organization for those who love to serve others, and I know that decision will have a lasting impact on my life as well as on others’ lives. I was elected President of the Beta Club at my school in 11th grade. I led my club of about 40 members throughout the year as we took part in various service activities such as: trash pickup for Adopt a Highway, sponsoring a child for the holidays, and visiting local elementary schools to read
Around six weeks after the long crush of the presidential decision is over, the 538 individuals from the school meet in their particular states to play out their sole established capacity to choose the President and Vice-President of the United States. In any case, the effect of the school on presidential races is far more noteworthy and more dubious than its brief life demonstrates. Therefore, little gatherings and less understood competitors from time to time have had an opportunity to influence the result of a race specifically. The standard impact of alleged "third-constrain" applicants is to take away votes from one noteworthy gathering hopeful in a nearby race, tipping the outcomes to the next real gathering competitor. In any case,
Last year I helped paint an Abilene themed mural that now hangs in the Recreation Center. I along with about 10 other students painted things that we thought represented Abilene like Dwight Eisenhower, farms, cowboys, horses, cows, crops, the railroad, and trains. My job in the project was mainly to touch up, but I also painted the clouds and the birds. Painting this mural helped me gain respect to the state and the town that I live in, and it helped me personally improve myself as an artist and as a student. It helped me build skills that I will use the rest of my life like, teamwork, problem solving, creative and critical thinking, and goal setting. The mural commemorated the state of Kansas, by hanging it in the Recreation Center everyone
A new superintendent in an urban school district believes educators are trained to run schools and should do so with the least amount of interference possible. For this reason, an ethical crisis arises when the district decides whether or not to close a local high school. While public relations officers want district administration to be as transparent as possible to remain honest and open, the superintendent and other schoolboard members want to hold meetings with no media present. This facts of this case will become clear through explication.
The summer before high school, I decided it was time to get involved in the community. A close family friend who attended my church offered a volunteer position with her organization called Clothes to You that supplies low-income families with free attire. The non-profit organization resonated closely with me as my tribe, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, suffers from severe financial hardships, and realizing how life changing an organization such as this could be I promptly accepted her offer. On designated days we drove the mobile van to predetermined locations and transformed the desolate parking lot to a bustling shopping center. People of all ages filled the aisles and I assisted shoppers searching for outfits as varied as interview
Being Miss Monument Valley High School, I traveled to special events sharing my traditions and culture that my family has taught me. Along with teaching the young lady’s about our culture, I also helped with Food Bank and the people who had donated a truck load of water for our community when our precious San Juan River was contaminated by the Environmental Protection Agency. Having to represent my community, family and school was an honor. Now that I will be considered an adult, I will still be able to represent my people and community. There will be various opportunities for me to participate in other communities to continue helping. Showing people out there what I was taught here at home and let other people know that my people still do practice their traditions. They each have a meaning and a story behind those
Throughout my life I always thought the little things that we do to help people in our community are the things that made the biggest difference. I learned in church one day on a Sunday about how to improve ourselves to get closer to God. The pastor said that we are so busy with our daily activities that sometimes we get distracted on things that matter the most. Sometimes even though we might be busy, we should just take a brief moment to help others in need. That is why I find community service important because you are not just building our career we are also building our character as a leader and as a citizen.
During my junior year of high school, I decided to run for senior class president for the 2016-2017 school year. After the election process (interviews, speeches, and voting), I was elected for this position. I have been apart of student council since I was in seventh grade and I have always been extremely passionate about it. Student Council to me means serving others in your school and community and I can say that I thoroughly enjoy doing that. I wanted to be senior class president because I knew I had the drive, ambition, and work ethic it would take to get things done. As president, I have to make major decisions that have to do with graduation and the senior class as a whole. I wanted to lead and represent the class of 2017 at Durant High
We donated our time to a charity during the fall, the JROTC program decided to do the Mana Cafe to help those in need. It was a food drive and people would help gather food together to deliver it to families that needed it for the winter. Everyone was pitching together and doing their part to get the food together and in the people’s car. Even in the cold weather, everyone was having fun, knowing that they were doing excellent in their hearts. Therefore that day families were allowed to eat despite their economic struggle and all as a result of the service we did to help them.
Every day of my freshman year, excluding Wednesdays, Daylight by Matt and Kim blared over the speakers at 8:26 A.M., alerting stragglers that they had 60 seconds to hurry up and get to second hour. I rushed to my honors chemistry/physics class, eager for the day to continue moving at its currently fast pace. The end of the school year was quickly looming and to relieve the stress off some of the students, my teacher had us participate in an inspirational activity for the entirety of the period. The purpose of this activity was to have students anonymously express to other students the positive characteristics that they embraced. So far, it seemed like an excellent day, but the irony of this particular activity is one that will never be forgotten. May 12, 2015 actually marked one of the worst events to have occurred at my school, and it is one that will forever leave an impact on my life and the way that I view social media.
As the leader of a 21st century school one must embody the qualities that best reflect the ever-changing face of education. Traditionally, the leader of a school focused a large portion of time and energy on typical managerial functions within the school. These tasks, although important, will not propel a school to achieve excellence. Today’s school leaders must be visionaries who create a sense of purpose driven unity. As a transformational leader, one must also be the beacon of learning in establishing and effectively cultivating professional learning communities. One must recognize and further develop the leadership skills of those within the school in order to ensure the vision and mission of the school is achieved. Keeping in