
Reflection On Personality

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Personality is defined as “the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character” (google dictionary, 2017), just by reading this definition you can tell that personality is a complex system to fully understand. There are a number of tools or assessments from many theories and approaches that help better understanding personality, pulling apart its complexity. I have already given a lot of thought about who I am as a person, what traits do I have, what do I lack and what this says about the person I am. But taking this class that focuses on personality helped a lot in my understanding of myself as well as maybe understanding other personality types. Reflecting on what I have learned I chose three …show more content…

My results landed me in extraversion, intuition, feeling and judging personality type (ENFJ) or “the giver”. People with this personality type are people-focused individuals, having great people skills that make it easy to understand/care about people, getting satisfaction from helping others. Even though this type is very externally focused it is important for them to be alone and they are more reserved than other extraverted types. Some common traits also include being, straight-forward, very honest, loyal, exude self-confidence, are bright individuals full of potential, enjoys new challenges and need approval from others. Reading all about this personality type I couldn’t help but node my head along, agreeing to a lot of the qualities that are in this type. Almost scary how correct it was in defining me. You don’t think that you can easily be put into a personality type because I do believe everyone is different in their way but even with that belief you can’t deny the accuracy of the results. Next the Big 5 assessment using the link given in lecture 10, you are presented with several statements that you rate how much they describe you and/or your personality. This assessment comes from the trait approach made by McCrae & Costa that consists five traits consisting of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness. Traits are a dimension of personality and are only intended in describing

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