
Reflection Paper On Dance

Decent Essays

Three months from now I entered into this dance course with a mindset that dance is just dance, simple as how it sounds. While I enrolled into this dance course this fall I thought that this class consisted of simply learning the history of dance, but I was definitely mistaken. This course without a doubt changed my perspective over dance and my appreciation towards dance. Comparing myself from the beginning of the semester in August to now, I notice that my appreciation for dance before was lacking. I thought of dance as just a hobby for people, but that is because I never really viewed dance in depth. Today, I see dance as more than just movements in the human body. I see dance as an alternative to send messages to the world. Not only did I learn to see dance in a different way, but it helped me use my critical thinking skills when watching a particular piece. To begin with, dance does not just help people relieve their stress, but dance as well can be used to connect with current issues that our society encounters and send messages to the world to do something about it to fix the issue. For example, a particular project our class was assigned to do was to choose from a variety of options ranging from teaching a roomful of kids, to inventing a new dance game, to choreographing a dance and perform it, etc. Well, my classmate Cassandra and her partner decided on choreographing a piece to present to our class. On November twelve Cassandra and her partner presented a piece

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