
Reflection Paper On Fall Dance

Decent Essays

I decided to watch the fall dance concert, Reflections, at IVC for this critique. The performances were held in the theater which to my surprise, is larger than I expected. I was also delighted to see the use of multiple kinds of lights to imbue a specific meaning. All the performances were great but the ones I felt the most connection to after watching are the ones I have decided to write on. The first piece that had a lasting impact on me is titled Unwavering struggle and is choreographed by Jennifer La Curan. This piece is set to six different songs some of which are Oh, Dear What Can the Matter Be by Elizabeth Knight, You Don’t Own Me by Lesley Gore, and I Can’t Keep Quiet by The Faithful Choir. It includes seven dancers, all of which are girls. The second piece that stayed with me is the piece titled Polar Variant also choreographed by Jennifer La Curan and other faculty dancers. There were a mix of four guys and seven girls all of which were split in two different groups.
The first dance started with girls who were dressed in brown suits walking in an upright manner. There were no interactions made and it is clear that they were depicting working men. They begin to start walking in a circle center stage. One girl in a bright dress then enters stage while the “men” continue to walk around in a circle. They pay her little attention and the lyrics to the song Oh Dear What Can the Matter Be almost seem to mock the situation. There is an obvious problem that has only just

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