
Reflection Paper On Group Formation

Decent Essays

This first application paper comes due at a very after a very hectic work week of training for me. I just completed my LEAN Blue Belt certification training. I was set up in a group with five other individuals to solve a complex supply chain manufacturing problem. The training only lasted for three days but it was very interesting to reflect at the end of each day on the different stages we'd gone through in the group formation process. I will speak to my personal experience in each of these four stages that we experienced during our training. Keywords: training, individuals, problem, reflect, stages, group, formation, process, personal experience, four stages Forming The first stage in the group development process is forming in …show more content…

It's now early in the afternoon and all of the other groups are at least four steps into completing their problem and we have to go back to square one and start all over again. Norming The third stage is the norming. During this stage we start to see the formation of a plan and the group comes together to focus on the issue. Now if you step back from the previous stage at this point where very frustrated to learn we have to start over from scratch. It didn't help that we could also feel the angst from our Instructor every time she came by us to check on us. In an attempt to get ahead everyone from the group started to scramble and everyone started throwing out suggestions for what we should complete next. While everyone thought this was helpful, putting it all together didn't really prove to add any benefit to finding a solution to our problem. Thankfully there was another Instructor within the group that we were able to bring in to provide feedback on our group and to help us get a plan in place. This plan leads us into the Performing stage. Performing The last stage in group development is the performing stage. In this stage we're completing the task and hand and reaching the goal that we've been brought together to complete. We're all exhausted and feeling a little defeated but our confidence has been restored. At this time in the day all of the other groups have gone home for the day so it's just us left in

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