
Reflection Paper On Racism

Decent Essays

I bet you would see a pig fly before you would meet a white boy who strongly believes white privilege exists. Well I am here to tell you that I, myself, believe that white privilege is a serious issue. However, I was not always like that. About a year ago, I didn’t even know the words “white” and “privilege” even went together. On top of that, I didn’t give much thought on racism, I just thought it was a thing in the past. I didn’t start thinking like the way I do now until I took a Logic dual enrollment class at my high school that changed my life forever. With the help of my diverse and ethnic friends, I started to open my eyes and see that racial profiling and racism still exists in our modern-day society and we still have a long way to go before racial inequality dissolves for good. To start off this story, I never really grasped the idea that there was still racism in a “post-racial” society. My two white friends would say the derogatory term “nigga.” Myself, not knowing any better would repeat this offensive term thinking I could fit in better or I could make my friends laugh. Looking back, I should’ve felt bad for saying these words, but I didn’t. It wasn’t until I was walking with my girlfriend at the time when I said a joke using this infamous derogatory term: “Yeah, that dude is my nigga.” I could immediately feel her disappointment. Straightaway, she looked me in the eyes and said, “You can’t say that”. I was confused on what she meant because I didn’t think the

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