
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Isn't amazing to think that every word you say and every action you undertake has the potential to change the world? I know that through my education at UConn, I can accomplish that goal.
Bridgeport is a city where colorful graffiti decorates abandoned factories. There is a huge gap in education between this impoverished city and the adjacent towns. As a Bridgeport resident, I have experienced this firsthand. One summer, I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer at Caroline House. I taught local elementary school students math, science, and English. The first couple days were terrible as I could not control my students. I remember one boy would suddenly stand up and sprint around the hallways during his lessons and I did not know how to react. Then, I began to chase after him, book and pencil in hand. We would sit down on the playground bench and write descriptions of the playground. I remember talking with other kids about sports and connecting my lessons to soccer to make them more exciting. Throughout the summer, I was able to teach many children and hopefully set them on a path to become better students.
“Wow! You’re the first person from Bridgeport to make it to the National Spelling Bee. My kids now realize that they can achieve great things despite our lack of resources. Thanks for inspiring them.” When a Bridgeport parent told me this, I felt humbled and happy. I never thought that I would have this big of an impact on my peers. I had just competed in the

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