
Reflective Account: An Inspector Calls

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On Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at approximately 1902 hours, I responded to Division of Family and Children Services, 975 Taylor Street for a Runaway Juvenile. Upon my arrival I met with the complainant Kathy Suber. Suber advised me she is a case worker for DFACS and Tretanya Fitzerald left the location. Suber stated she was preparing Fitzerald’s paperwork to be transported to another location. While doing so, she asked Fitzerald to sit in break room directly across from her office. Suber advised me Fitzerald walked the hallways until it was time to be transported until it was time to go. Suber noticed Fitzerald was missing around 1820 hours and conducted a thorough check of the location. Once she noticed Fitzerald had ran away she contacted

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