
Reflective Essay: Cabeles I Like The King

Decent Essays

I stepped out of the car and there it was Cabeles i take one step inside and i feel like a king. So many choices to choose from. When that session is over i walk straight to the pistols. There were too much to choose from, co2, nitrogen, and air soft. I focus in on the nitrogen powered ones they were the most powerful. I examined all the pistols, there were a ton and all of them had great reviews, so now i focus in on the FPS (feet per second) the most powerful one 625 FPS, but that wasn’t all, it had a superuser you could attach, and a pack of 500 hollow points pellets. But my mom also wanted me to look at the close. So i trudged over there, there were some pretty sweet coats, shoes, and sweatshirts. but all the prices were to high for

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