
Reflective Essay: Cherokee, North Carolina

Decent Essays

My eyes slowly cracked open. The light flooded into my eyes, blinding me. I was very groggy as I rubbed my eyes to get a more clear view of where I was. I noticed several cars and trucks speeding by, going the opposite way. I turned my head the other way and saw my friends and all of our backpacks. I remembered that we were on our way to the Appalachian Mountains and realized we were getting very close, due to the staggering cliffs and mountains on the road beside us. We were heading to Cherokee, North Carolina. It was a small, beautiful town in western North Carolina and we were about to climb one of the tallest mountains in North Carolina, known as Mt. Sterling. We finally arrived in Cherokee and began up a steep, dirt road, which led us to the beginning of our adventure. I stepped out of the car and stretched for about ten minutes, not because we were about to begin hiking, but …show more content…

I looked out of my hammock and saw the scenic waterfall that we camped by. Everybody else shortly awoke and we packed our things and set off for our first true day of hiking. We hiked for nearly five miles until we finally found a reliable and clean water source. Drenched in sweat, I filled up my water bottle about five or six times, chugging the water quickly each time. After a stomach full of water, we all gathered our things once again, and continued up the trail. It started to get very cold, as the sun began to set and we were all extremely tired from hiking so far, but we had to find a camp site before it got dark and the closest one was the very top of the mountain. We had about five more miles to go, but we were moving like snails, due to exhaustion. Everyone began walking at their own pace and we ended up scattered on the trail, split up. I even put my pack down at one point, laid in the dirt, and closed my eyes and took a short

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