
Reflective Essay: My Drafting Process

Decent Essays

My drafting process was unusual, in order to correct myself I read again and again what i wrote already until I knew what part and how to fix my grammar and the concepts that I could use to replace the existing ones, sometimes when it was too difficult to understand an error I would write it down on a piece of paper and then find a way to paraphrase it by adding some clarity and justification to my writing. While editing I mainly used the notes written on the first drafts that i submitted and also by reading some parts of it to my peers to get some feedback and to know if my sentence structure is correct.

The task of editing was a tough job for the reason every time i had which would not do any justice to the thesis. Although i am found of reading a lot literature, writing does not come to me naturally. My essay structure seems unclear even though my constant effort of editing.

My weakness would be to sentence structure, to have clarity in conveying as english is not my first language.Even though i tried the concept of outlining i failed to adapt it completely and went off topic while writing.Another weakness would be …show more content…

It gave me the confidence to let people read my papers and it taught me to be more clear in what i am writing. This class also gave me the courage to say what I was actually thinking. It taught me that I could voice my own opinion and to not be afraid if people did not agree with me. I believe that my confidence has grown because of this class and i also learned how informal my writing style was. This class really pushed me to write papers that i thought i would never write but it belive this experience will help me in the long run. During this semester I have become a stronger writer and I have learned a lot of skills that might help me during my educational

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