
My Reflective Essay According To My Writing Process

Satisfactory Essays

When it comes to organization, I had some ability making sure that my writing flowed and seemed coherent, but I had trouble making sure that the organization was the best it could be and allowed readers to fully understand what I was writing about. Coming in to the class, I knew how to piece an essay together so that the writing seems like it makes sense and the reader can follow it without getting lost throughout.

However, I had trouble making sure that my essay has the best organization that it could, and that the reader not only would be able to follow it without trouble, but actually be interested by it. In the class, especially during the organization workshop, I was able to see the organization that others see in my writing, and was able to adapt that into my writing piece. …show more content…

Because of the changes that I made in the organization of my persuasive piece, rooted in others’ vision of it, I was able to produce a stronger essay overall, one where it is coherent, easy to follow, and interesting to

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