
Reflective Essay: Startin Starting A Club At Community College

Decent Essays

I began community college in the fall of 2016 with the notion to get involved and find my clique before transferring on to a University later on. So, I researched upon campus clubs and found that there was not a lot offered other than clubs related to a certain major. Being a liberal arts student at the time, I wanted to help break this barrier to have a fun club and take initiative to find my kind of people in this setting.
In high school, I had a passion for country style dancing that was done in the west coast bars. And for me dancing wasn’t only a fun pastime, but it was an exercise program versus going to the gym. Since I obviously wasn’t old enough to go into the bars, I practiced with my sisters in high school. But when I entered college I decided I wanted a little more. …show more content…

At the time I reconsidered if I really wanted to move forward with my plan. I worried if people would even want to do it. Nevertheless, I found an advisor in the agribusiness program, and completed the constitution to start. I took the initiative to put up posters and get ready for my very first club meeting. I was so excited! When the time came that day I waited, and finally somebody did come in. As I started to get to know her, I started to realize that she was the only one who came. As time went on, the two of us convinced others to join and built up the size to five members. While it was not an outstanding number of people, it still gave me immense joy to see that people did want to reach out to be involved and I could find a group that wanted to dance and have fun, but still take their academics seriously. These were my kind of

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