
Reflective Essay To Texas A & M University

Decent Essays

Texas A&M constantly reminds me and encourages the students to be a part of something bigger than themselves. This is important because it gives each student a feeling of responsibility to leave this campus better than they found it. At most colleges the students only have the common ground of attending the same university, however at Texas A&M its more than just a university but rather a family. This is one of the major aspects that brought me to A&M, I had heard about the Aggie family and how it is unlike any other college in the nation. In my years here, I have experienced the Aggie family and watched how strangers are bonded just knowing they make up a family together. Each member of a family has responsibilities to help out and serve their …show more content…

In my daily life, I choose to have integrity in everything I do. A person of integrity has good moral character and does the right thing even when others are not around to see. With integrity, people know I am trustworthy and will make choices with the wellbeing of others in mind. Being a person of integrity has played a very big role in my life because people know they can count on me and that I will be loyal, allowing me to receive many positions of leadership and opportunities. I also strive for the quality of compassion, by treating others the way I would want to be treated and going the extra mile to help people. I always try to put the needs of others before myself, and work to serve the people around me. It makes my day when I get to assist and serve others, whether they are students in my class to elders in my church. Lastly, I try to live by the value of diligence in my everyday life in every aspect. Whether it is studying for hours to ensure I make good grades, to dedicating time to participate in organizations on campus, or even arriving to games early and proudly yelling for our Fighting Texas Aggie football team win or lose, in everything I do I give it my all. I set goals for myself and do not stop until I reach

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