
Reflective Reflection On Reflective Practice

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Reflection is considered as a state of mind which is a continuous practice (Fanghanel, 2004, p. 576). It yields confidential and safe ways to demonstrate personal experiences as well as continuously challenging perceptions, illusions and biases that can be damaging to cultures and society. Reflective practice enables the practitioner to learn about themselves and their work, their culture and society in which they live.

As a counsellor, the role of reflection is something that is essential in order to progress critical reasoning and evaluate one’s own abilities. “A Vision for the Future” (Department of Health, 1993) is a document developed to improve professional practice to maintain high standards of care. Reflection allows the individual to consider personal experiences which can lead to a wider range of perspectives; “Reflection is a forum of response of the learner to experience.” (Boud et al., 1985, p. 18). The concept of reflection is one that can be very intricate as it challenges one’s beliefs and values and, in particular, in the workplace coming into contact with a range of clients who demonstrate a variety of values and beliefs can support this theory. It is important that as a counsellor reflection is continuously practiced in order for the individual to learn and grow. Critical reflection, as described by Johns (2000), is something that can be carried out by the counsellor to enable them to view oneself’s own experience which can provide them the chance to

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