
Reflective Report : Look The Module Description

Satisfactory Essays


It would like to address here in this report some the most importance elements about what I have learned in this course up to now(MSc in public service). meanwhile, it must be said that some of these knowledge acquired is due to the environment surrounding me.

I have been studying throughout this course moving from one module to another. such as, Marketing in an International context, Management organisational behaviour, Management environment and the most interesting one for me is the international Management and Leadership across culture.

Two things at the beginning of this course surprised me. First one is the team working idea which I have not never exercised such thing befeore, we were divided into small groups in order to achieve appointed goals and the second surprise is the diversity amongst students in regard their subjects. There are students in human resource others in international management, ,general management and me with other in public service. Although all these mentioned above were seemed odds and buzzling at the beginning of this course, I realised afterwards that a significant values added to my knowledge due to that. For example, I have Ai have got significant improvement in the communication skills as well as exposed to different culture. Therefore, I was led practically to explore and experience multicultural. That’s indeed was great opportunity for me. For a student who interest in the

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