
Reflective Writing For Argument Essay

Decent Essays

Reflective writing for Argument

After you have completed your argument essay, answer the questions below. Type your responses directly on this page, using a different font. Send this file to me with your paper. You should add your name to the file name.

1. What are the requirements of the assignment (explain them in your own words)? What are your audience's expectations with respect to style, organization, and content?

Write an argument paper that would persuasive readers of my thoughts and beliefs. The paper had to have a counter argument to bring information from both sides of the argument.

2. What was your initial choice of topic for this assignment? Why did you choose it?

I chose to argue about government taking action in …show more content…

I also used an outline to plan and organize my paper for better understanding for readers.

4. What did you accomplish with your first draft? How did you decide what you needed to revise?

On my first draft I accomplished being organized and using outside sources to support my thesis topic.

5. How many drafts did you prepare between the first draft and the draft you workshopped last class? What kinds of revisions did you make for each draft?

After the workshop in class I made two other drafts. One draft was solely to improve the content and make it more understandable for the readers. The second draft was used for grammar and word choices.

6. What kind of feedback did you get from your peers during the workshop? In what ways did you incorporate their feedback into your draft? If you did not use any of their feedback, why did you decide not to?

The biggest feedback I got for this essay was to fix my grammar and consider rewording a few sentences. I did use all feedback and did reword many sentences and fix the grammar issues.

7. What did you learn about writing through completing this assignment?

It’s better to write a paper on topic you have a passion for a well thought-out concise

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