
Reflux Ring Lab Report

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The purpose of the reflux ring was to speed up the chemical reactions without having it evaporate or explode. The apparatus was able to include the reactions and maintain a constant volume. The process of distillation was primarily used to separate the liquids after they were heated in a flask. After distillation was done, the remaining distillate was collected and the process of separation, which is a major step of this experiment, was used once all the distillate was collected and separated into layers. The process of separation is used for isolation and identification purposes. In order for the water to be completely removed out of the product it must first be dried; the dried product was intended to be as purest form possible. Simple distillation …show more content…

The temperature for 2-pentanol was 116.5⁰C which product was 2-bromopentane. The product appeared on the bottom layer, and the density for both reactants is less than sodium bromide and sulfuric acid. The density for the products is also less than what was being mixed into the solution which was sodium bromide and sulfuric acid. If the product were to appear at the top, then the reaction is incorrect and the data is false. By referring to Table 1: Table of Reagents, there could not have been any logical way that an extraction would be on the top layer. The theoretical yield was calculated for 1-bromopropane and 2-bromopentane. The theoretical yield for 1-propanol was higher than the theoretical yield for 2-pentanol. The 1-propanol was higher because the mass of the product is slightly lower than 2-pentanol which results in a higher value. There were a few errors made with reflux, distillation, separation, and drying. The reflux started to condensate on the outside of the tube. If there were a wet paper towel wrapped around the end of the reflux ring then the distillate could have been collected more …show more content…

The IR spectrum can determine an O-H bond, C-H bond, and so forth. A compound on an IR spectrum can be determined by the frequency number of the peak and also the shape of it. Different compounds have different frequency ranges that can establish which compound it would be. The starting materials of the two reagents were quite different than the product IR spectrum. There was found to be an O-H bond in both reagents but not in the products. For the 2-pentaol product, an IR cannot distinguish between two products formed. An NMR is the only spectrum that can determine if a product is formed or not. In the NMR spectra, each peak was assigned to a group apart of the 1-propanol or 2-pentanol. The N+1 rule was used in conjunction with the splitting pattern of the peaks in the NMR spectra. The N+1 rule will determine how many peaks are to be present on the NMR spectrum. Integration is defined as the area under each pattern is obtained from integration of the signal, or better the function that defines the signal, and is proportional to the number of hydrogen nuclei whose resonance is giving rise to the pattern [2]. Integration gives the relative number of hydrogens present at each signal. Chemical shifts can be determined as downfield or upfield. If the chemical shift increases then it is downfield. If the chemical shift decreases it is upfield. On the 2-pentanol there was an extra peak at 0.0 ppm. On the

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