The king lifted his head and spotted his drawers lying next to his feet. He grabbed up his undergarments and slid into them. He then pulled Guinevere toward him and kissed her. “Your turn now, my love,” he insisted, easing her down onto her back.
But one again, Guinevere had a look of concern on her face.
“What is it, Guinevere?” asked Arthur, gently tugging up her shift. “How can I put you at ease?” Little did Guinevere know Arthur was a jumble of nerves himself. He settled himself between her knees and waited for her answer before he did anything else.
“I worry about how I’ll look to you, and that I won’t appeal to you. And I worry about how I’ll sound while you’re touching me,” Guinevere told Arthur, staring up at the ceiling as she spoke. “Maybe you won’t like doing it and you won’t tell me…”
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Couldn’t you tell?”
Arthur crawled up the bed and rested his head on the pillow next to Guinevere. “Maybe a little,” declared the king with a slight smile upon his lips, nuzzling Guinevere’s neck. “And I think we should practice this frequently for the next three months until our wedding. How often do you think I can sneak you in here before people notice? Every night?”
Guinevere slapped his shoulder in jest. “No, Arthur! I don’t want to risk anyone finding out.”
“Well, we have three hours before the next guard change,” Arthur said suggestively, inching his hand up Guinevere’s thigh until it rested between her legs. She gave a soft moan, and Arthur eased her folds apart once again and stroked Guinevere’s heated, wet flesh with his thumb. “I have heard there’s a way we can pleasure each other at the same time.” He kept stroking. “Interested in giving that a try?”
“Yes,” she panted.
Arthur rolled on top of Guinevere and pressed a brief but insistent kiss to her lips. “Better get started, then.” He cupped Guinevere’s breasts through her chemise, then brushed his thumbs lightly over her nipples. “You’re more than I could ever have hoped
“Fine, Gwaine,” moaned Arthur, running his hands though his blond hair. “But I swear to you, you can never tell anyone about this conversation as long as you live.”
Legs still trembling from the force of his orgasm when he landed on top of her, the sensation of Elena's tongue slipping into his mouth and the feel of her warm skin against his elicited another pleasured gasp from Brett. Despite their encounters, and respective climaxes the previous night and this evening, there was a different sensuality that brought a tingle to his spine about laying there on top of her, skin to skin. He'd kicked his boxers completely off, and with his satiated cock pressed into the warm flesh of her thigh and their abdomens melded together as he gently prised her legs apart, he parted his lips to express something of his feelings to Elena. However, before he could speak, her comment pulled him back down to Earth.
She smiled and kissed him square on the mouth and then whispered in his ear, "You know you’re the only man I’ll ever want in my bed, Henry Elijah Gullege." Turning every shade of red imaginable, Henry blushed.
"Well, I'm afraid this time is partly my fault – I asked Merlin to make some deliveries for me a few days ago and he's not had any time. Even though I told him it was fine, you know what he's like. He was obviously feeling guilty for not getting them done … in fact, he almost said me as much this afternoon. And I'm sure the cold he caught didn't help any. It wouldn't have allowed him to slip into the deep, restful sleep that he so needs."
It all seemed so surreal, as if Guinevere watched the scene from outside her body. She sat on the throne in the Great Hall as her knights and subjects filtered in, their heads bowed, looks of either defeat or terror etched on their faces.
She shivered in his embrace, one hand coming up to cup his neck as she allowed her lips to roam his heated skin. Her other hand ran along one of the arms wrapped around her lythe frame. As if the sensuality of touch had become to much to resist. Despite the fact that she was just beginning to truly understand that.
"Merlin and Arthur have just arrived. Arthur's been injured," said Freya as she pulled the bucket of chicken feed from Gwen's hands and pushed her towards their home. "Go, tend to him," she said.
Arthur was sitting at his desk mindlessly looking of the grain stores for the coming winter. His mind strays as his eyes blurred. An unconscious thought slips into his mind, “I wish Merlin was here.”
"Mmnnn, that's it, that's the spot." Alex took a deep breath as smooth hands worked over her lightly tanned skin. "Harder," she moaned urging the man that was working her well tone yet tension filled body. "Yes my Queen," he answered in a smooth almost sultry tone, "Mnnn again, say it again." Alex moaned once more as his hands worked down the curve of her back side, "Yes My Queen." he once again spoke as commanded as he massaged her well tone frame.
Merlin paused. His hands stilled as they pulled down the bedcovers. He quirked his eyebrow up in a manner that remind Arthur of Gaius. The manservant’s eyes shifted back and forth trying to make sense of Arthur’s abrupt input to what had been a one-sided conversation. “Well, Gwaine already did get the girl and the mead,” he said, referring to the story he’d been retelling. “Are you saying you don’t think he’d be able to do it again?”
"Indeed. Agravaine informed me that you were banished; I suppose that was a small enough victory for a time. But not as much as when Arthur sought another not long after you were gone. A princess, in fact. That was….well, absolutely delectable knowing that it didn't take long for him to get over a lowly peasant. She was beautiful, I heard, a better match for the fool than you'll ever be." She snickered mischievously, thrusting her venomous dagger as deep as she could drive it and then twisting it for added measure. "They spent a lot of time together, too…in his chambers. They said his bed sheets needed to be changed every day, did you know that?" Morgana laughed again at the delicious scandal a few deceitful words could
She had no shame in her desires, or fear of the man standing at perfect full attention before her. She could already feel the dampness between her thighs growing as their play continued. "Only a night. Well if that is all you have in you Atticus than I should think we would both make good use of it." she reached up and ran her hand up his chest, "Such confidence for a man that hasn't even begun to understand the demand of my needs.' Alcmene smiled and closed the small distance between them as her free hand moved to grip his cock gently through his coverings.
So he lent forwards, heedless to his own wounds, and pressed a tender kiss to each of her pearlescent eyelids. "If this is a dream then do not wake. But I will be waiting right here until you do."
Audra leaned tilted her head up and kissed the king’s cheek. “Yes, I could do with
“Damian, this is the sixth time you’ve been hurt. You’re supposed to evade my attack, not stand there and stare at the sky.” Juliet took some cloth and wrapped it around his injured hand. “You’re too soft. Feeble. Meek. How are you going to be king?” She scoffed as she continued bandaging him.