
Relationship Between Interpersonal Responsibility And The Company 's Image Essay

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Relationship between interpersonal responsibility and the company’s image 1. Human Resource Management. Bangchak considers employees as stakeholders critical to the business and to create value and drive value for an organization to be sustainable, the company focuses on the employee planning and de-velopment to support the expansion of the business based on the model promotes employee en-gagement overall through measurements by a participating Best Employer in 2014 to become the Best Employer in 2022 and this year, 2016 can continue to improve and meet the needs and expec-tations of employees in various fields which increased from 66 percent to 70 percent was voted than in 2015, this represents a response to the company 's employees better. (1) Retention The company is planning to promote talented employees to grow and good development in the company (Talent Attraction and Retention). Moreover, The structure has been prepared by man-agement compensation and benefits survey comparable (Benchmark) in the petroleum and industrial area annually. The turnover rate employees, down from 4.36 percent in 2015 to 2.67 in 2016. (2) Recruitment and selection of staff Bangchak has a procedure of selecting employees who qualified to join the organization by recruit-ment policy that openness, which is not limited to racial, religious and educational institutions and focus on staffing individually in "Good and Intelligent person". The company has variety channels to recruit, for

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