
Carbon Dating In Ancient Egypt

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For decades, many have marveled at the artifacts uncovered in Northern Africa where Ancient Egypt was once situated. The region is an archaeological gold mine filled with ancient treasures left by people who occupied the area thousands of years ago. While some of the mysteries of this ancient civilization have been solved, other secrets remain elusive. Perhaps one of the most intriguing secrets, the chronology sequence of Ancient Egypt, has baffled many for decades. Prior to the advent of more modern dating techniques such as carbon dating, the only means of acquiring chronology was through the use of relative dating and historical dating techniques (Bahn 1997). In the early part of the 20th century, scientist utilized relative dating methods such as striation and seriation to produce a crude …show more content…

Unlike archaeologist of the past, modern archaeologist have been able to utilize radiocarbon dating and accerlate mass spectrometer to help them acquire absolute dates on many of the artefacts they excavate (Bahn). Carbon 14 dating as made a tremendous impact on the efforts to reconstruct the chronology of Ancient Egypt because it allows researchers to compare the amount of carbon present in decrease organisms to carbon found in living organism to establish a timeline (Edward 1970). When historical dated artifacts were compared with dates acquired through radiocarbon dating, the results were astounding. For artifacts that were considered “well-dated”, carbon-14 dating deemed 71% of the items dated with historical techniques to be accurate within 50 years and 89% were deemed accurate within a hundred years (edward 1970). While these early results seemed encouraging, dates from radiocarbon analysis of other items conflicted with the dates derived from historical dating

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