Every section of the populace has two contrasting forces within them: doubt and belief. However, when these powers battle, faith rises over indecision, arriving victorious and announcing its triumph to the world. The quotation by Kierkegaard proves this concept of conquest within credence, as he discusses how the positive nature of belief holds ones thoughts together and allows for a superior planet to be created. Without belief the world would be a harsh, cynical wasteland, but with faith rising above doubt, the composition of optimism, love, and unity takes place, allowing for a planet that holds a promising future for humanity.
For many, pessimism is not ideal, and optimism is their route of choice, as it develops through the arising
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This demonstration of coalition can be seen in the essay by Gregory Orr titled "The Making of Poems". In this piece of literature Orr tells the heart wrenching of how, at the young age of twelve, he accidentally kills his brother. As one can imagine, Orr feels great guilt over the incident and spirals into a deep depression. As he wishes to be left alone to deal with the whirlwind of emotions, he finally creates a resolution to his problem: poetry. Orr discovers that poetry is what allows him to put his feelings into words that others can understand, bringing his mind alive. Yet, poetry does not only allow him to comprehend his own feeling, other author's poetry moves him as well, and allows him to unite with others in the universe. Poetry is what makes Orr realize he is not alone. Although poetry may just seem like a type of writing, it holds a much deeper meaning. It is the only style of writing that presents raw emotion and real experiences without kidding any of the details embedded in the story it conveys. When one reads another authors work they can instantly relate. As other members of the populace read the piece, and find a relation to it, they unite together. Each person relates to the experience, the emotion one feels, or the story the poem tells. Poetry is the most relatable type of writing, allowing the unity of the readers who sympathize with the
According to Dictionary.com, the definition of optimism is “A disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.” Looking on the more favorable side can help in the most difficult times. Having a positive attitude is the best response to conflict, especially in time of war. Optimists such as Winston Churchill and Anne Frank kept hope for a better future throughout World War II.
Dispositional optimism provides real psychological benefits, but it has some limitations and people should not view it as an all-powerful means of treatment.
There are times in this world when rolling out of bed and putting on a brave face is the only thing that seems sensible enough to get you through the day. You slurp down your morning cup of coffee, glare at yourself in the mirror, and wonder what’s the point of it all? Why am I living my life half exhausted wandering from place to place doing what I’m told when I’m told to make myself a living? This is exactly how a pessimist often thinks;, they tend to see only the worst in a scenario or believe that only the lowest possible situation will happen. I have chosen not to live my life like that, I have chosen to not only try to lead each day with a positive mind and a healthy attitude, but I have also decided to spread optimism to others by the simple gestures such as a smile. I will admit that at times being an optimistic person isn’t always easy because
The question of the Buddhist view of existence being optimistic or pessimistic is one which is many have an opinion on. It could be said that the four noble truths provide the views of the Buddha in the way that life is led and more importantly, should be led. Certainly, the end goal is clearly optimistic, the attainment of spiritual enlightenment, or nirvana. However, the Buddhist view of life as we lead it is often deemed pessimistic as it is so concerned with suffering. As there is more than one school of thought to, "is the Buddhist view of existence of optimistic or pessimistic?" our understanding of these truths is crucial
As individuals wake-up across the country, every single one of those people is given a choice. All men and women can decide whether or not they are going to make the most out of their day, or if they are going to waste that precious time. Those who face the challenges of each day with confidence and courage are often the same people who demonstrate joy in their day-to-day life. Optimistic people emit a sense of hope and promise. A person produces self-esteem from within; however, it is noticeable from the inside-out. Positivity can easily be recognized by the way one moves, and by the way he or she interacts with others. Happier people tend to move with more enthusiasm, and they are more interactive. When others see these actions, they assume the person is content. Similarly, the emotions of pessimist are just as evident. Hopelessness shows within someone’s face and actions; downbeat people tend to act with a sluggish attitude. Meanwhile, a sincere amount of people does not understand that their mood can affect, not only their day, but their bodies. Masses of individuals are negatively affected, mentally and physically, when they allow a spiritless attitude to overpower their minds and bodies. Instead, they should be hopeful and chipper about the day ahead. All men and women should have an optimistic lifestyle because it leads to happier thoughts, and a healthier lifestyle.
Many people ask why is there such thing as optimism, or why are there optimist? Well, many people believe that if you don’t think good about yourself or life, you won’t push yourself toward your goals. They are right, without optimism there won’t be any goal setting, people will just be doubting themselves.
I found the optimism and utopian thinking arguments interesting because it presents itself as a strong contrast against all the pessimistic readings we have had up until this point. While so much of the content is “gloomy,” the dissatisfaction with reality that results from this “gloominess” can act as a pushing
Genuinely unadulterated optimisim and joy is so recherere in modern society. However, optimisim and an audcaious thrist for a jovial life is wildly infectious. The significant question still stands. How do we obtain this unshakeable optimism through the storms of life, through clossal challenges, through unfair critisim and rejection?
Pessimism is conceptualised as a lens in which the aspects of life are viewed with a sombre temperament, distorting one’s appreciation for life by ignoring its good aspects, thus lowering one’s expectations. Arthur Schopenhauer is often categorised as the greatest pessimist in Western philosophy despite never formally characterising himself as such. However, he exercises the concepts “optimism” and “pessimism” to classify certain conceits of suffering in his philosophies on human life and existence in order to classify the ‘good’ and ‘evil’ that pervade the human condition. Schopenhauer articulates what he perceives as the cruel realities of life by asserting that human existence is burdened by the twin poles of human suffering; want and boredom,
The literature around the world has different types of authors and each one of them with his own writing style. The period where they live affects their style because the writers are exposed to different circumstances and factors. The arrival of the Islamic religion influenced the Indian poetry. This changed the way how they thought and expressed through poetry, and according to K. S. Ram “The two important factors in the world of Kabir [post Islamic poet] (XV century) were: one, the change of the Vedantic religion dry, abstract intellectualism; and two, the fights between Hindus and Muslims had become a sad fact of everyday life.”. This essay will be focused on a comparison and contrast about the Indian poetry before and after the Islam.
When examining the foundation in which all the Buddha’s teachings are built upon, the Four Noble Truths, there is a tendency to become fixated on only the first that can be encompassed by the phrase “life is suffering”. Clinging to this simple phrase rather than seeing the whole picture painted by the Buddha is the downfall and where the idea of pessimism is born. Instead the Buddha is seen as an embodiment of joy, compassion and happiness, traits that are a far cry from a true pessimist. The Buddha’s real strength lies in his ability to be neither pessimistic nor optimistic, instead he was realistic in his views of the world by acknowledging the existence of suffering while also identifying a path to a cure.
Paul & Elder (2012) states that overly pessimistic thinking can rob a person's happiness, and a person's thinking determines every aspect of his or her life. Personally, I have found these things to be true. The majority of the time I try to hide my pessimism from others because I do not want to affect other people's moods. Sometimes, I have made situations worse by thinking negative when facing
Being optimistic is the main principle for most people. We may often hear the statement about “be an optimist, not a pessimist!” shouted by people. Sometimes you do it for yourself too. When facing such a failure or problem, this will not only help to relieve your heart. Being optimistic will help someone to be healthy in physical and mental. An optimist will find the best way in any circumstance and hope for every good thing can come to him/her. You may have gone through thousands of hard times. However, if you are a born optimist then you will not care of anything destructing you.
The relationship of optimism with psychological well-being is a well-researched topic. Maintaining an optimistic view on life has been shown to reduce depression. The literature on optimism also provides information on ways to measure optimism and distinguishes between the different theoretical constructs used to define optimism. Throughout this review, these topics, as well as other important issues related to optimism will be discussed in great detail. It is hoped that by reading this review, the reader will become appreciative of the powerful benefits of maintaining a positive outlook on life.
If you show an optimistic person and a pessimistic person the same image, they will view it in very different ways. Their perceptions are made up of their