
Religion Was Never Meant To Provide A Sense Of Independence In Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha

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Religion was never meant to provide a sense of independence. The literal meaning of the word religion is “to return to bondage.” It comes from two Latin words, the prefix re meaning, “to return” and the root ligare meaning, “to bind.” Religion directly contradicts being independent because the purpose of religion is to follow a doctrine and to be obedient to a higher power in hopes of providing meaning to the world. Whereas being independent means freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others. Independence requires not looking to others for one 's opinions or for guidance when making decisions. When one relies on a higher power for guidance throughout life, one is not independent. Instead, one sacrifices their …show more content…

After following and absorbing the teachings of their respective religions Celie and Siddhartha found them inadequate because they failed to enlighten them. Siddhartha realized after meeting with Gotama, he realized that he must become independent and free of religion to reach enlightenment.
The teachings of the enlightened Buddha contain much, it teaches many to live righteously, to avoid evil. But there is one thing which these so clear, these so venerable teachings do not contain: they do not contain the mystery of what the exalted one has experienced for himself, he alone among hundreds of thousands. This is what I have thought and realized, when I have heard the teachings. This is why I am continuing my travels—not to seek other, better teachings, for I know there are none, but to depart from all teachings and all teachers and to reach my goal by myself or to die. (Hesse 31)
When Siddhartha becomes independent, he decides to create his own spiritual journey that leads to his enlightenment. Similarly, Celie becomes independent and embarks on a spiritual journey. Her spiritual journey begins when Shug Avery comes to live with Celie and Mr.__ because is she is sick. After becoming involved in a romantic relationship, Shug challenges Celie’s interpretation of God. Celie’s describes Him as "[…] big and old and tall and graybearded and white. . . He wear white robes and go barefooted “(Walker 201). But Shug negates this version of

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