(Student Name)
The Religion of Islam
Minnesota School of Business
Intercultural Communications
(Professor Name)
November 08, 2013
Islam is a monotheistic religion and spiritual belief based upon revelations established forth by the once then Prophet of 7th century Arabia, Muhammad. These revelations which were later chronicled in the Qur 'an (Koran), Islam 's sacred writings. The Arabic word 'Islam ' conveys "entry," mirroring the spiritual beliefs and their central precept of ones acceptance toward the will of God. Islam antedates to the edge of Adam where its message was then tied to man by God 's Prophets and Messengers composed of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad himself. (Abu Al- 'Ala Maududi, 1984).
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Several Shi 'i Muslims also recite the names of the twelve imams. Graves are marked with straightforward stone colored pens, to stress the equality of everyone in death. The departed repose in an intermediary state called the barzakh up until God resurrects those who pass on the Day of Judgment (Davies-Stofka, 2012).
Overriding Values and Beliefs
It is difficult to limit all of Islam into a few core values. Nevertheless, the most important beliefs and religious practices were identified by Prophet Muhammad himself. Thus, there is general agreement on them among all Muslims (Badawi, 2012).
Core Religious Practices of Islam
In Islam, praise belongs to life and is not restricted to plain rituals. The formal acts of worship are understood as the 5 "columns" of Islam. The five pillars of Islam are the statement of faith, petition, charity, fasting, and the associated pilgrimage ("Introduction to Islam," 2002).
Declaration of Faith
The "Declaration of Faith" is the statement, "Los angeles ilaha illa Allah wa Muhammad Rasul-ullah", suggesting "There is no deity deserving of being worship other than God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God"). The Declaration of Faith is greater than just a statement; it has to be revealed with one 's activities. To convert to the belief of Islam, an individual has to state this declaration.
Daily Prayer
Prayer is an approach by which a Muslim connects to God and gathers
Islam is a religion, where Muslims worship Allah (God) and Prophet Muhammed (S.A.A.W). In document 1 it says, Islam spread from opened routes to external influences. Religions leaders spread Islam to societies/communities. Document 3 also states that, Askia Muhammed sought to make all of the empire one big Muslim community.
The Islamic religion is a Middle Eastern, Arabic Peninsula, based religion that originated right around the 7th c. and is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. The definition of the word Islam means "submission" in Arabic, and connotes the notion of a total surrender of oneself to God, Allah in the Arabic language. Individuals who practice Islam are known as Muslims, which, again in Arabic, means "one who submits to God"
Shahadah is the Muslim declaration or testimony of faith. The words “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad (PBUH) is His messenger.” are recited in order to affirm Islamic adherents belief in Allah and in the prophet Muhammad being God’s final messenger. By reciting this testimony of Islamic faith, adherents acknowledge that Allah has an exclusive right to be worshipped and only Him, as well as accepting the prophethood of Muhammad, being the last and final messenger of Allah. Shahadah must be stated by a Muslim, as if it is not said nor known, then one may not call themselves a
Muhammad descended from Ishmael. The fundamental practices of Islam is the five pillars. These practices include a ritual profession of faith, praying five times daily facing east, giving of alms (zakat), fasting, and performing the holy pilgrimage to Mecca.
On the other hand, Islam originated in the seventh century when the message was revealed to the holy prophet Muhammad. Although, the revelations were passed down from Allah (‘The God’) to angel Gabriel, Muhammad manifested the knowledge. This message was thus preserved in the Holy Quran. The Quran is perceived as the word of God, the supreme Allah. Islam means submission or self-surrender of one’s own pleasure for the pleasure of God. Muslims believe that you must not only surrender to God but the laws of the world also. Muslims believe that every person is born pure and we have a choice to either follow good or evil. Islam teaches that the path to spiritual growth is open to all. Nonetheless, the main message is to seek delight God through faith, prayer and charity. To be a genuine Muslim there are five
Like many other religions, the Muslim faith has experienced many changes and branches. Like Christianity, the original faith is still practiced by some, but others have started new branches with their own unique interpretation being Muslim. Despite these differences within the Muslim religion, one set of rules for moral guidance is central to all. These rules are the Five Pillars of Islam. The Five Pillars act as a moral compass for Muslims and are universally accepted as they are mentioned specifically in the Qur’an, the sacred Muslim book of God’s words as they were recited to Muhammad (Molloy, 425).
Islam is defined as, “the monotheistic religion based on the doctrine of submission to God and of Muhammad as the last chief and prophet of God”(Dictionary 720). There are multiple practices included in the religion of Islam, similar to any other religion. Compared to Christianity or Judaism, when one follows Islam, one must follow The Five Pillars of Islam and the rules and circumstances of the worshipping practices. In addition, depending on the branch one is apart of, they may have to follow laws enforced by different prophets as well. One’s lifestyle will change because when following Islamic faith, their religious life is their main priority. Meaning, a Muslim makes the commitment to the practices one-hundred
The word Islam means “Submission to the will of God”. Islam is a monotheistic religion that was founded around the year 610 B.C.E. in Arabia by the prophet Muhammad. According to the Qur’an (holy book of Islam), an angel named Jibreel appeared before Muhammad while he was meditating in a cave and instructed him to recite verses which would later be in the Qur’ an. When Jibreel mentioned Allah, Muhammad started to recite words which he believed were from Allah. Believing that God chose him as a messenger, Muhammad started preaching about the revelations that God bestowed upon to him. After Muhammad passed away, Islam rapidly started expanding across Africa, Asia, and
The belief in all scriptures and revelations of God is the fourth article of faith. The revelations were given to guide the people to the true path of God. In the Quran, it refers to the books that were revealed to Abraham, David, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. Allah sent messages to humanity through his prophets (“Islamic
The word Islam means "surrender" or "submission," submission to the will of Allah, the one God. Muslims are those who have submitted themselves. The basic creed of Islam is brief: There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. Islam teaches
What is Islam? The word Islam means submission to the will of God. The religion of Islam is the acceptance of and obedience to the teachings of God which the Muslims—followers of Islam—believe God revealed to his last prophet. Muslims believe that there is only one God. The Arabic word for God is Allah which means, the one and only true God who created the whole universe. According to Muslims, God sent a number of prophets to mankind to teach them how to live according to His law. To the Muslims, Jesus, Moses and Abraham are respected as prophets of God. Muslims believed in the prophets as messengers of God, but according to their beliefs, God’s final message to man was revealed by the
Islam is an Arabic word meaning submission and therefore Islam religion is believed to be an Abrahamic religion which believes in submission to the almighty God Allah and Muhammad as the prophet. Quran is the holy book believed to be the guideline of the Muslims who are the followers of the Islamic religion. It is believed that Allah repeatedly revealed to Muhammad verbally through angel Gabriel and recited in the Quran (Hadith of Revelation, Volume 1, Book 1, Number 3). Over time particular aspects arose from the Quranic teachings and Muslims began to have questions about the teachings and translation of The Quran, thus, narrations were developed in Hadiths.
Islam, now one of the major religions of the world, was found by a prophet, named Muhammad. The idea of Islam is the believer, called a Muslim, accepts surrender to the will of Allah, who is their God. Allah is viewed as the creator of the world. Islam is much like Christianity, as they are both monotheistic, potentially believing in the same God. Islam’s practices are written in the holy book, called the Qur’an, or Koran in English. Allah revealed the Koran to his messenger, Muhammad, who is considered the last of a series of prophets (Rahmin). Within the Islam religion, Muslims practice the Five Pillars of Islam, which is one of the most important practices. The Five Pillars of Islam are the five obligations that every muslim must satisfy in order to live a good and responsible life according to Islam (Five Pillars of Islam). Carrying out the Five Pillars demonstrates the Muslim is putting their faith first. The first pillar is called “Shahadah,” which focuses on reciting the Muslim profession of faith (Five Pillars of Islam).
Islam is the religion for about a fifth of the world’s population and is continually growing in numbers. The people who believe in Islam, are called Muslims. It is a religion full of peace, mercy, and forgiveness (Basic facts about). Islam was founded in the 7th
Although Islam is the second largest religion in the world with a following of 1.8 billion followers, no other religion has faced more scrutiny and hardship in the past decades. This has been caused by media and governments labeling Islam as a whole with their extremist groups like Al Queda and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. I even thought that the principals held by these extremist group were more common in Islam than they are. After studying Islam and gaining more information I came to respect this religion more than any other we studied this semester because of its seriousness and unity. The Quran and Hadith provide concrete details and instructions to follow in the faith of Islam. No texts from any other religion are as upfront with their beliefs than these. Muhammad was and continues to be a powerful and understanding leader that has led it to becoming the world’s fastest growing religion. I enjoyed studying the powerfulness of Muhammad and the direct voice of God in the Quran that is sets Islam apart from Judaism and Christianity.