
Religious Symbols in Society: Church vs. State Essay

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In our daily lives, without even recognizing it, there are religious symbols present all around us. If we are carrying money, “In God We Trust” is a religious symbol that is present on our currency. If we happen to say the pledge of allegiance we are saying “one nation under God” which alludes to God and the Catholic religion. Around the holidays, there are Christmas decorations present everywhere, which are religious symbols of the Catholic faith. None of these things seem bad or harmful to anyone in any way. They are not harming anyone. Are they? Well, they are not harming anyone directly, but have impacted people because it is through the presence of these symbols that neglects all other religions and is feeding into the issue of the …show more content…

This is when the issue of church and state also arises. Religion cannot be something that the state represents because the state should be promoting equality and not favoring one religion, many people argue. Church and state need to be completely separated because it is when they are both involved that many issues arise. There are many instances where religious symbols are involved in church and state controversies such as the cross as a symbol, religious symbols in public schools, church and state involvement that is broadcasted in the media, and the use of religious symbols in the government; all of these examples prove one outcome which entails chaos, disagreement, and the need to find a solution.
The symbol of the cross is an extremely well known worldwide symbol, which represents Jesus Christ who gave His life for His people and their sins. Overall, the cross represents the Catholic religion. A controversy arose and is highlighted in the article “Wandering in the Desert: Justice Scalia’s Dangerous Plan to Secularize the Cross-,” which states an argument about the cross being changed into a symbol that represents all people of all religions in our country. The problem is that this symbol according to the article, “is instantly recognizable as a symbol of the Christian faith to people all over the world, Christian and non-Christian,” (p 14). This notorious and meaningful cannot simply be changed overnight. The issue arose when the use of the cross started to

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