
Renaissance Movements In The Early Renaissance And The Renaissance

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The time between the early Renaissance periods and the modern times in art was a very dynamic substance because it was shaped by the people and societal norms that ruled it. Some things stayed the same and some things changed at a moment’s notice based on the cause. Unlike the previous era, not all of these movements occurred in Italy. The late renaissance was a period of declining Catholic control, the Baroque period spreading to France and other parts of Europe where it festered, and then brand-new ideas and revolutions on many sides started occurring that would lead in to the 19th century. Religion began to lose its grasp on the people and new leaders began to experiment with things thought to be heretic for so many centuries. Even though the over-arching theme was political, throughout this time period it could be divided into three sub layers, courtly aesthetic, pursuit of knowledge and propaganda, that truly controlled the reins of the era. The notion of having paintings created that reflected the wealth of the patron did not end in Italy. Instead of popes and noble religious figures asking for the artists to portray them closer to God or show off their power, it was the kings and the rich in other parts of Europe that continued this tradition. It was common for rich wealthy people to have painters paint random events that they thought were meaningful and portray themselves in a way that only the educated could understand. For example, Jan van Eyck’s, Giovanni

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