
Renewal College Fellowship (RCF)

Decent Essays

Each moment influences our lives in some way or another. Every activity that I took part in, every person that I have met, has truly changed me for the better or for worse. Out of all life’s moments, participating in Renewal College Fellowship (RCF) during my freshman year of college has been the most meaningful experience of my life. The people that I have met and the experiences that filled my first college experience helped my maturation into an adult.
Before I came to college, I really did not have a Christian community to call home. I diligently attended Sunday service etc., but I did not have a community of Christians that surrounded me in my school and daily life. Most of the attendees were older adults who did not understand my youthful tendencies and interests. Thus, it was hard for me to exercise my beliefs outside of the church setting. My friends at school did not care for my faith, and I felt my spirituality be suppressed and ignored. I knew that I was not growing in faith by sermon messages alone and needed a spiritual community of mentorship, accountability, and guidance. However, I did not know where to find it.
When I came to college, I knew the first thing I knew I would have to do was to ensure that I found a spiritual community to join. I found this community through RCF. It was a group of college students that shared a …show more content…

During this time, I was lost in excessive school work, contemplating my existence, and truly feely hurt and lonely. I was simply depressed without a solid reason and did not know how to recover. During this time, the RCF community made an effort to reach out to me and illustrate to me that there is love for me through the community and through God. When I sat in my room alone crying, a couple of the RCF sisters reached out to me and talked me through my problems. This type of support and growth provided through participating in RCF opened my eyes to the love of

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