
Research Paper On Agroforestry

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Agroforestry in 21th sanctuary in India
Agroforestry practice is not a new practice for the world, In different regions in the earth it has been practiced with different name and different approach according to their geographical area and microclimatic situations. (king) but the term agroforestry itself is new. Agroforestry defined as a land use system that integrates trees, crops and animal in way that is scientifically sound ecological desirable, practically feasible and socially acceptable to the farmers. (Nair, 1979) In the country like India which confronted the huge population boom and becomes second largest populated country in the world, Fulfilling the food demand, maintaining the ecological balance and also alleviating the economic condition of the farmers (where the 50 % of the population practice agriculture) are the key challenges. Agroforestry provides a way to increase agriculture production with the production of timber/wood which is majorly extracted from the precious forest …show more content…

This area must be properly treated and restored to its original fertility. In other way The government has given high incentive especially in the form of heavy subsidy for using chemical fertilizers. There was practically no use of chemical fertilizers at the time of Independence As a result of initiative by the government and due to change in the attitude of some progressive farmers, the consumption of fertilizers increased tremendously. Pests, germs and weeds cause heavy loss to crops which amounted to about one third of the total field produce at the time of Independence. Biocides (pesticides, herbicides and weedicides) are used to save the crops and to avoid losses. The increased use of these inputs has saved a lot of crops, especially the food crops from unnecessary wastage. But indiscriminate use of biocides has resulted in wide spread environmental pollution which takes its own

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