
Research Paper On Ancient Greek Architecture

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Ancient Greek Architecture

An ancient Greek architect sits in the light of a burning candle concentrating. His head is exhausted from all the planning and designs he’s created, but he can’t help to feel the excitement rushing through his veins. He is about to help birth one of the most striking, and compelling cities of all time. Greek buildings are seen as flamboyant, and are looked up to. People want their cities to be just as brilliant as the Greek’s. Ancient Greek architecture inspired modern design, public structures, and buildings of high importance.

Greek designs are seen all over today; most of them being Doric architecture. “This was a vertical fluted column shaft, thinner at its top, with no base and a simple capitol below …show more content…

"The Corinthian style is seldom used in the Greek world, but often seen on Roman temples. The capital is very elaborate and decorated with acanthus leaves. On the architrave, as in Ionic temples, there is a continuous frieze where the triglyphs and metopes would be on a Doric temple. At the top of the columns, on the capital, there's a stone carving of acanthus leaves, under the architrave."(Greek Architecture Influences America's Architecture. Ann Wesley, n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2016.) The Corinthian columns are the most fancy compared to Doric and Ionic styles. The top of the column has a feather-like design. The bottom of the column is the biggest part, but gradually grows slimmer to the top. Some places where there might be a Corinthian column is New York University, Hall of Fame Terrance, Capital building, Washington, D.C. and much more. Not only did design inspire buildings, but Public structures had a huge effect on Americas …show more content…

"The definitive architectural style on Capitol Hill is neoclassical, inspired by the use of ancient Greek and Roman styles in the design of great public buildings. These styles are recognized by the use of tall columns, symmetrical shapes, triangular pediments and domed roofs." (Capitol Hill Neoclassical Architecture) Capitol Hill is classic and bold, just like the Greek and Roman people were with their public buildings. Another example of a Greek-inspired building is the United States Capitol Building. This building is almost an exact replica of a Greek temple. "Another well-known example of the neoclassical architecture style on Capitol Hill is the U.S. Supreme Court Building. Finished and occupied in 1935, the Supreme Court is meant to resemble a great marble temple. The architect of the Supreme Court, Cass Gilbert of New York City, drew upon the classical Roman temple form as the basis for the Court's new building. Reached by a great flight of broad steps, the portico of tall Corinthian columns gives the building a monumental entrance. Lower wings flank the central temple and help relate it to the lower scaled buildings of the nearby Capitol Hill neighborhood." (Capitol Hill Neoclassical Architecture) Romans looked

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